Order of the Undying Light Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Order of the Undying Light

This is a small knightly Order operating in the lands north of the Spine. The knights are committed to hunting down and killing necromancers and the undead. The Order usually recruits young men, its dozen or so female knights are mostly the daughters of Knights.


The order currently has 80 members and some 130 individuals employed in various supporting roles such as armorer, surgeon, cook, etc... The later group usually includes 10-15 trainees who are not considered full members of the Order until they have been knighted.

Public Agenda

Death to Necromancers and their hellish spawn.


The Order is based in the Kingdom of Tarrel where it owns the castle of Gorla and the surrounding lands. A number of religious groups of and nobles also provide economic support for the Order and its activities.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Knights of the Sun
Related Ethnicities


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