Lower Elden Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Lower Elden

Lower Elden is unusual for the north being a planned city constructed on an orderly grid. The city was constructed in response to the steady growth of its sister city, Upper Elden, which was pushing beyond its walls. Rather than have a sprawling, insecure city, the Baron of the time decided a program of orderly growth was the solution and began the process of planning and building the new city.


Lower Elden is dominated by Northron humans with perhaps twenty percent of the population being mountaineers and ten percent Corgerian. Few Danites or Dark Corgerians live in this city preferring Upper Elden. There is a small community of about 300 Southrons living in the city with most of them being involved in commerce.


The City is managed by a governor appointed by the Baroness assisted by the city Council which is drawn from the most notable families of the city.


The city is surrounded by a well built stone wall with defensive towers at regular intervals. The city walls also has two gate houses facing the landward approaches and two more at the access to the river bridges. Additionally there is a dry moat running along the two sides of the city not protected by the river. Through the use of a sluice gate on the river at northern end of the city. water can be sent surging down the moat rapidly flooding it to a depth of 7 feet.

Industry & Trade

Lower Elden is heavily dependent on the metal trades. Silver, lead and iron are taken from the nearby mines and processed into finished good here. Stained glass windows, silver jewelry, utensils and decorative items are major exports. The city also houses numerous coopers that provide casks for the wine makers of Wallen and Tarrel.


Like its older neighbor, Lower Elden has cobblestone paved streets and storm sewers. Unlike Upper Elden it is laid out on a carefully planned grid and occupies more or less flat ground. Many of the streets are designated for specific trades such as silver smiths, glassmakers, stone carvers etc... It shared two bridges with Upper Elden.

Guilds and Factions

The Guilds of Upper Elden have all been extended into Lower Elden. As in Upper Elden the Zalarites wield considerable influence here although they do not base any of their forces on this side of the river.


Lower Elden was established as a planned city some 300 years ago. At the time, the Baron's of Salker believed Upper Elden was growing to large with building sprawling beyond the confines of the city walls. As a result they hired architects and engineers to plan the new city. The city proved to be a such a success that much of the land within it borders was developed within the first three decades of its existence. This lead to a decision to administratively separate the new settlement from Upper Elden.


Most buildings in Elden are three or four story townhouses with sharply pitched roofs to shed snow. The homes of the wealthy tend to be made from stone with slate roofs with lesser homes being half-timbered affairs with walls made from wattle and daub. The better homes have glass windows with lead frames while ordinary homes use wooden frames and oil rubbed cloth for their windows.


The city is more or less flat being built on a plateau bordered on two sides by a mid-sized river. Boulders were removed, watercourses and ravines filled to make the land easier to build on.
Alternative Name(s)
New Elden
Related Ethnicities
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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