Domain of the Sarresh Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Domain of the Sarresh

The Sarresh were originally a nomadic tribe that swept into the lands around Goutara from the lands to the east. At first the Sarresh pillaged, raped and killed. Eventually, as nomadic tribes often do, they stopped destroying civilization and decided they liked it. They divided the Kingdom into 20 holdings each controlled by a clan chief. Every ten year they meet to choose a Great Chief. Eventually they changed the title to King, but otherwise the process remained the same. With the completion of the Great North Road, the Capital Goutara became a great center of trade. As a result, the Kerremak Clan, which held Goutara became fantastically rich and used their welath to doinated Sarresh's politics. Typically the King is Kerremak or is strongly influenced by them.


The northern boundary of the Kingdom runs through the foot hills of the Spine Mountains.


The major cities and town support permanent garrisons controlled by the Local Lord (Clan Chief). Each one of the Lords also supports a force of mounted retainers. In case of war military forces are supplemented by peasant levies and mercenaries.

Trade & Transport

The Kingdom has a well-engineered network of trade roads. This roads are frequently paved with stone, otherwise they are made off hard packed dirt. Typically the roads will have drainage ditches and will feature sturdy bridges over waterways. Several canals have been constructed inn and around the capital supporting the use of cargo barges. This canals link several navigable rivers and lakes.


The Kingdom supports a well-developed network of trade roads, canals, navigable lakes and rivers.
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
Cotton cloth, glassware, ceramics. Reexports silk and spices.
Major Imports
Salt, lumber, draft animals, coal, gemstones,
Legislative Body
The Grand Meeting of the Clan
Controlled Territories


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