Ursini Racial Feats in Corexus | World Anvil

Ursini Racial Feats

Path of the Body:   Prerequisites: Ursini Race, 14 CON or 16 STR   Effects: Depending on the prerequisite you meet, you gain one of the following effects. If you meet both, you may pick which one you gain, but cannot gain both:  
  • 14 CON: 10% chance to negate a critical hit that it dealt to you. This effect stacks with light and medium fortification effects, but not heavy.
  • 16 STR: Your carrying capacity is permanently doubled. This does not stack with Ant Haul effects, though you still receive Ant Haul effects for double the normal duration(You are treated as having tripled capacity instead of doubled for the duration).
  One of the so called ‘Three Great Pillars’ that drive Ursini society and belief, The Body represents the physical shell that houses the soul and the mind, and is the source of many worldly wants and desires. Some Ursini who wish to attain enlightenment seek a greater understanding of their physical shells, and, as a result, unlock potential they slumbered within them so as to better ward off the sins and vices that come along with the physical shell. Fortifying their own shells and Learning how to better bear the weight of their own lives, empowered is the Ursini who reaches enlightenment on the Path of the Body, and begins their journey to enlightenment.
Path of the Body Inviolate:   Prerequisites: Ursini race, 17 CON, Character level 5th, Path of the Body   Effect: Gain fast healing 2.   Special: You may take this feat once more to gain fast healing 4, but cannot take it anymore beyond that.   While some Ursini spend their entire lives seeking the Nirvana that awaits them at the end of enlightenment, rarer yet is the Ursini who remains unsatisfied with the secrets of the Path of the Body. Spending countless hours, days, and even months and years searching for their own personal path to Enlightenment, Some Ursini discover ways and methods with which their physical shells might learn to knit itself back together in response to damage and harm, and reach ever higher on the Path of the Body.
Path of the Body Athletic:   Prerequisites: Ursini race, 19 STR, Character level 5th, Path of the Body   Effect: You cannot become fatigued or exhausted from forced marches, forgoing sleep, and you reduce the duration of any such effects from other non magical sources by half(Like from raging). You may still be forced into fatigue or Exhaustion through magical or supernatural effects. You gain a 25% miss chance against attacks of opportunity made against you.   While some Ursini spend their entire lives seeking the Nirvana that awaits them at the end of enlightenment, rarer yet is the Ursini who remains unsatisfied with the secrets of the Path of the Body. Spending countless hours, days, and even months and years searching for their own personal path to Enlightenment, Some Ursini discover ways and methods with which their physical shells learn the ways of resisting Fatigue and Exhaustion, their shells becoming untiring, and inexhaustible so as to better journey down the path to Nirvana with steady feet, and make the long, long road to enlightenment that much more easy to bear.
Path of the Mind:   Prerequisites: Ursini Race, 17 INT or 17 WIS   Effects: Depending on the prerequisite you meet, you gain one of the following effects. If you meet both, you may pick which one you gain, but cannot gain both:  
  • 17 INT: You can reroll a concentration or caster level check once a day, but you must take the second result even if it worse.
  • 17 WIS: For every 10 points of damage you receive(Lethal or Nonlethal), you gain a +1 bonus to any saves made against spells with the emotion or mind-affecting descriptors until you recoup that damage.
  One of the so called ‘Three Great Pillars’ that drive Ursini society and belief, The Mind represents the slumbering psyche that lies shackled within the physical shell, constrained yet defined by the mortality, emotions, and worldly desires inflicted upon it by the Body. The Ursini who seek to walk the path to Enlightenment down the Path of the Mind spend many a week and month in contemplation, seeking the answers from the gods and the heavens with which they might unshackle the psyche from the physical form. The lucky and gifted Ursini who successfully tread the Path of the Mind learn how to better hone their psyche when concentrating or focusing their magical might, as well as becoming more and more serene with each blow that glances their bodies, their minds becoming more peaceful and serene with the knowledge that eternity awaits them.
Path of the Mind Unbound:   Prerequisites: Ursini race, 17 INT, Character level 5th, Path of the Mind   Effect: You can reroll two concentration or caster level checks a day, and you may choose which rolls to take. Replaces the Path of Mind ability if you chose the INT-based one. When an ally is forced to make a will save within 20ft of you, once a day you can either give them your Will Save instead of theirs to roll with, or grant them a reroll on that save.   While some Ursini spend their entire lives seeking the Nirvana that awaits them at the end of enlightenment, rarer yet is the Ursini who seeks higher realms and secrets after learning and treading the Path of the Mind. Spending their long lives in thought and contemplation, some Ursini who tread this path gain greater insights into the ways of the Psyche that lies within them, and gain a greater control over their own minds so as to better concentrate and bring their intellect to bear in times of crisis or need.
Path of the Mind at Peace:   Prerequisites: Ursini race, 17 WIS, Character level 5th, Path of the Mind   Effect: Once you drop below 30% health(Nonlethal or lethal), you become immune to spells with the Mind-affecting and emotion descriptors until you return to above 30% health. Replaces the Path of Mind ability if you chose the WIS-based one.   While some Ursini spend their entire lives seeking the Nirvana that awaits them at the end of enlightenment, rarer yet is the Ursini who seeks higher realms and secrets after learning and treading the Path of the Mind. Spending their long lives thinking and ruminating on what the universe holds for them and how best to learn such things, Some Ursini who tread the path of the mind find the secrets that they so desperately sought, the path to enlightenment they walk becoming clearer with each step they take...to these Ursini, they can see the ephemeral, ever-changing pathway to enlightenment as clear as daylight, and become as peaceful, serene, and still as water the closer they come to shedding the physical shell...for they know the path does not end there. Eternity awaits beyond the material.
Path of the Soul:   Prerequisites: Path of the Body, Path of the Mind   Effects: Any enemies who are attempting to affect you with a mind-affecting, poison, or sleep effect must roll twice and take the lower result. If you must make a DC check to endure it instead, roll twice and take the higher result. If you have Spell Resistance, they do not roll twice against it, only if they successfully penetrate it.   The rare, formless Third Pillar of the ‘Three Great Pillars’ that drive Ursini society and belief, the Soul is the formless, undefinable mass that lies beneath the Psyche and deep within the shell, and represents the collective wisdom, knowledge, and identity that they have gained thus far in their many lives. A unique identifier and representation of everything they are, the Soul is a path most Ursini never discover, for it is an elusive thing, shapeless yet so stable and present they know they could not exist without it. So, for the Ursini who, either through long months and years of travel upon the path to Enlightenment or through a chance insight into the nature of life, Nirvana and enlightenment become a goal which lies just beyond mortality. Experts of both the body and mind, these Ursini wield Psyche and the Physical as easily as others wield weapons, their very existences refusing any harmful effects that would strive to inflict harm upon their Body or Mind.
Warrior's Code:   Prerequisites: Ursini Race, Character level 3rd   Effects: Gain the use of the Samurai's Challenge ability once per day.   Ursini culture is one deeply rooted in the ways of the warrior, and no Ursini exists who is unfamiliar with the ways of Honor or the blade, whether or not they choose to follow such paths. Some Ursini are born with an innate understanding of these Ideals their people hold so dear, and gain an innate use of them at birth.
Shao Style Initiate:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 5th   Effects: When an enemy makes a melee attack against you and misses, you may expend an opportunity attack to make a melee attack against them, even if they would normally be beyond your reach. During a round in which you full-attacked, you gain +1 to your lowest save until the beginning of your next turn.   Though tens of thousands flock to the Shao Dynasty in hopes of being taught by the Incandescant Shogun himself in the legendarily powerful Shao Style of Swordplay, few ever make the cut to be accepted into the school...those that do, however, learn the greatest lesson of all: Shao Style is legendarily powerful precisely because of its simplicity. The first technique that the school teaches is one of aggression, and the single sword strike they teach is the fundamental basis for all techniques that will come after it...one strike, mastered a millionfold. When on the offense, a Shao Style Practitioner is a deadly foe, capable of reacting in an instant and heighting their defenses after a barrage of strikes.
Shao Style Adept:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 10th   Effects: As a standard action, you can make a single melee attack at your highest bonuses against any creature within 120ft you have line of sight to. Half of this damage is as normal, and the other half is untyped damage caused by psychic energy that tears through the target's mind. This attack completely ignores hardness on an object.   The highest level of mastery any ever reach in the Shao Style, the adepts are a terrifying foe as they have learned the smallest sliver of Targutai Shao's legendary Heartblade Technique and adapted it into a terrifying long-ranged striking technique. None have yet to learn the full Heartblade Technique itself, and thus none have yet claimed Mastery over Shao Style...
Conqueror's Will:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 12th   Effects: Once per combat, you can make a will save at a +2 and force all creatures you designate within 40ft to make a will save of their own. If they do not meet or exceed your save, they are immediately knocked prone and pinned to the ground for 1d4 rounds or until they escape normally.   With hearts and souls of warriors, some Ursini, as they grow more and more powerful, learn to harness this invincible willpower lurking deep within them and become capable of extending this willpower out into their surroundings, forcing their crushing will on all nearby and flattening them beneath its might. To these mighty Ursini, the mere weight of their presence is enough to crush a lesser being, and makes them terrifying forces on the battlefield.
Thousand-Blade Style:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 7th   Effects: As a swift action, you can teleport and switch places with a bladed weapon you threw and hit a target square with, or that you planted in the ground. This bladed weapon has to be within 30ft of you. You can have a number of these blades "active"(Able to be teleported between) at any given time equal to your HD + 1.   An esoteric style that was started by an ancient Ronin who became outcast from his house and in time passed into legend, the Thousand-Blade Style involves the use of a dozen or more swords or other bladed weapons that warriors toss all across the battlefield and use them to blink across the battlefield and keep their foes off-balance.
Thousand-Blade Style, Asura Ascension:   Prerequisites: Ursini, 'Thousand-Blade Style' racial feat, Character level 11th   Effects: By focusing on the "blades" you have active with Thousand-Blade Style, you can make melee attacks with them against foes adjacent to where these weapons are located so long as the weapons are within 30ft of you. You may full attack and use any of these weapons instead of the one you are currently wielding. The number of blades you can have active at once increases by 5.   The pinnacle of the thousand blade style, the Asura Ascension involves establish a supernatural link to the plethora of blades a warrior wields to use the Style, allow them to manipulate these weapons with but a thought, directing them to strike their foes at will as a terrifying master of weaponry. Often, Ursini who wield this power claim it comes from none other than Savusonn himself.
Qigong Breathing:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Must need to breathe, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain a racial +4 against saves made versus poisons, diseases, and curse effects. Your unarmed strikes count as lethal damage if they didn't already. You can negate an amount of non-elemental damage you take each day equal to twice your HD. You take twice as long to drown, suffocate, or otherwise run out of air.   With a special breathing technique, many Ursini learn to harness and manipulate their inner Ki without going through specific Monk training...by finding balance within themselves, they can coat their bodies in a fine layer of intangible Ki and use it defend themselves.
Vital Vision:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 5th   Effects: Gain Deathwatch as a constant spell-like ability. You can bestow a Status effect as per the Status spell on one creature plus another for every 5HD you possess. This effect lasts for 12 hours.   A secret magical treatment applied to the eyes of those truly dedicated Ursini who wish to see life itself and keep their allies safe, these Ursini have sight beyond mortal ken and can see the very health and lifeforce of those they look at...making them excellent tacticians and strategic forces on the battlefield, able to pick out the weakest or strongest targets and take them out quickly all while monitoring select allies.
Sky God's Strikes:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 14th   Effects: When you make a full-attack, for each attack you sacrifice and do not make, you extend your melee attack range by 10ft for that round only. When you use this ability, you can strike all targets in a Xft cone with your remaining attacks, where X is your melee attack range. You must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2HD + 4 per time used in a day) or become fatigued after using this ability. If you are already fatigued, you become exhausted instead.   The very pinnacle of Ursini swordsmanship, this technique was invented by one of the rivals of Targutai Shao, the Dynasties' current Shogun, who wished to invent a technique to rival The Heartblade Technique. By pouring one's willpower into their blade and concentrating their power, they can extend the length of their weapon and make sweeping, titanic slashes across the battlefield and strike many targets at once.
Domain of Blades:   Prerequisites: Ursini, Character level 9th   Effects: Within your melee attack range, you gain blindsight. You gain 5ft to your melee attack range. The first time a creature enters your melee attack range each day, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity.   Special: Taking this feat renders you conventionally blind. Regeneration or any other ways of fixing blindness cannot restore your vision.   A rare affliction that only appears within the most legendary and powerful Blademasters of Ursini culture, the Domain of Blades is a gift said to manifest when a warrior reaches such a sublime level of mastery over combat and Bladesmanship that their vision begins to transcend physical boundaries, rendering them blind in the mortal world but giving them sight beyond normal sight, seeing into a realm beyond physicality where nothing escapes their sight.


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