Thovon Blackbarrel Character in Corexus | World Anvil

Thovon Blackbarrel

The eagle-eyed King of the Dwarves that unlocked the secrets of Blackpowder

King Thovon Blackbarrel (a.k.a. King Thovon)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Before he died a grisly death, King Thovon was aging but was nonetheless a relatively healthy and fit man. He was in good shape and was fairly strong and agile, but his body was more lean to allow him to be more nimble and dexterous.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Legendary Gunman King of the Dwarven Peaks, Thovon was said to have risen from the depths of poverty in Stonecutter, abandoned as a half-breed by his family until he worked his way back to the top on the back of his own ingenuity and intellect, his knack for mechanical and black powder creations letting him create his signature twin pistols which would define his life, "Farshot" and "Sureshot".   He was said to have claimed the throne after forcing his way back into the family that once disowned him, his own sharp wits, gunman's eye, and a few well-placed shots to his enemies...and from there, he rapidly began to overhaul the Dwarven political machine. Cutting out entire noble families he deemed as useless, reworking the very foundation of the Peaks until he alone stood at the top as the absolute Monarch of all he surveyed, he used his newfound, indisputable power to begin to change the Peaks in innumerable ways.   Waterways, Bore-holes drilled in their mountain homes for fresh air and light, better roads, better immigration policies, more support for the mysterious Flintguard Keep and it's Blackpowder tinkering...all of it happened thanks to Thovon's Steely will, and personality that was said to be stronger than the pistols he so deftly wielded.   With little patience for nonsense and quick to dispatch or fire those who couldn't live up to his standards, it's no surprise he had so many attempts on his life...yet, none were successful.   Until the day the Fire Giants invaded Stonecutter from below, that is. His fate during that catastrophe was unknown, but as the Travelers, the saviors of Stonecutter, arrived on the scene, he was found to have died and come back as an undead, having been eaten and digested by a mysterious snake-woman the king treated like an honored guest...despite the Traveler's best efforts to help him enact revenge, Thovon ended his new unlife having been digested in the stomach of a measly Lamia Matriarch, his once mighty willpower and strength nothing before her stomach acids.   After being resurrected after his untimely digestion by his court cleric, King Thovon met his unfortunate and final end in the second Invasion of the Dwarven Peaks, conquered and beaten by the Queen of the invading Dai-Yukai, Aslauge Daenic. Beaten, she trapped him beneath her titanic foot where he died in agony over the course of days, being crushed underfoot into paste.




He had no formal Education, and grew up on the streets learning on to survive on his own and educated himself in the ways of the world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

King Thovon, despite his tragic demise beneath the foot of the Dai-Yukai Queen Aslauge Daenic, did the impossible and completely reworked and revamped the Dwarven political machine during his rule. He did away with the 'useless' political party based system and returned the Dwarves to a Monarchy, taking the newly made throne and using its power to institute innumerable public works projects, social works, military projects, and much more. Not since the days of the ancient Dwarven Empire of Steel had his people seen such prosperity.

Failures & Embarrassments

Thrice in his long life did the legendary King Thovon fail his people and embarrass himself...once, when the Fire Giants with Lamia taking the helm leading them, he failed to resist the charms of the leader of the Lamia and Fire Giant horde and was charmed...and went willingly down her throat and was devoured like a casual snack. The second time, when the hate and fury of his death bade him rise from his grave as a deadly revenent of revenge, he fought his way to his old Throne Room and found his old killer, the Lamia who devoured him...but, despite his new form and his furious mind, he fell and was consumed by one of his hated killer's measly lieutenants, who wrapped him in her crushing tails and gobbled him down like a rotten piece of jerky. Dissolve again in the stomach of a mere lieutenant of his original killer, King Thovon was resurrected by his royal cleric not long after. Though he was successful in retaking his kingdom from the Lamia and the Fire Giants, King Thovon had barely finished his victory feats when the Dai-Yukai invaded and caught him and his people weakened...and managed to completely destroy and enslave them. Beaten down and broken by the enemy Queen Aslauge Daenic, he was tied beneath her titanic blue foot and trampled into paste over the course of several days.

Morality & Philosophy

King Thovon placed no faith in law or order, and in fact did away with most system of law in his country to make himself the sole authority of his people. He believed that law should be tempered with a healthy bit of chaos to keep a society from becoming too bogged down with its own bureaucracy.

Personality Characteristics


Wanted to centralize the Dwarven throne and prevent in-fighting and politics from tearing his country apart. Dreamt of returning the Dwarven Peaks to the glory they once had in ages past, and of leading his people out onto the surface as conquerors.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good warrior, very street smart and knew how to get things done. Terrible politician and not very obviously charismatic. He lived and ruled like a charging bull, forcing others aside to get what he wanted done, done.

Likes & Dislikes

Liked getting things done, No-Nonsense people, Seriousness, and being Direct and to the point. Hated things that had no point and things that took too long. Hated politics and negotiating.

Virtues & Personality perks

Go-Getter, Visionary, Decisive, Strong in mind and body, Incorruptible.

Vices & Personality flaws

Had a terrible temper, no patience, and could be cruel to those who continuously insulted him or refused to do what he told them.


Family Ties

He had family including a wife and many children, but none have been known to have survived the recent invasions of the Dwarven Peaks.

Social Aptitude

Had almost no charisma, manners, or Etiquette. He got shit done, and manners were a waste of his time. If someone or something argued with him or stood in his way, he was likely to punch them aside and keep walking. He was an absolute force of nature that attracted followers through his deeds and attitude.


Thovon Blackbarrel

Victim (Trivial)

Towards Aslauge Daenic



Aslauge Daenic

Killer (Vital)

Towards Thovon Blackbarrel




Though he managed to survive the first invasion of The Dwarven Peaks, King Thovon was blindsided by a second invasion of the Dwarven Peaks and was ultimately beaten by his hated for, the Giants. Conversely, having finally beaten the king of her people's hated enemies who had exterminated them so long ago, Aslauge Daenic took great pleasure in torturing him over the course of several days, trapping the tiny man beneath her comparably titanic foot and slowly stomping him into slurry. Her victory over him, for her people, spelled the beginning of a grudge's end that had lasted a Millennia.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thovon the Typhoon, Ol' Tornado Thovon, Thovon the deadeye
1878 AF 2042 AF 164 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was born to a simple peasant family, unknowing he was royalty.
Circumstances of Death
Was brutally eaten and devoured by a Lamia, then killed again after being resurrected by Aslauge Daenic, who was leading another Invasion.
Stonecutter Keep
Long, wavy, brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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