Cloud Elf Alternate Racial Traits in Corexus | World Anvil

Cloud Elf Alternate Racial Traits

Mongrel-Blooded: Racial ability scores replaced by (+4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma). Your type is changed to Humanoid with the Elf and Giant subtypes. Modifies Ability scores.   Although the mere act is spit upon in Cloud Elven society, some amongst them are 'Mongrels', born from the union between a Cloud Elf and their Cloud Giant companions. Such Elves are quite a bit stronger than their fellows thanks to the strength of the Giantkin that flows through their veins, but less personable and intelligent due to their brutish appearances.
Star-touched: You no longer need to breathe and gain Cold Resistance 10. Replaces Elven Immunities.   "Fly high, Fly Free, and above the world you'll be. Skies of black, drifting like the end, the Stardreamer guides you home." - Cloud Elven Folk Song
Supreme Self Confidence: You gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws made against Enchantment Spells and Effects, and a racial +2 bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. Whenever any spell is successfully cast on you by an enemy, the caster must make a will save (DC 15 + 1/2 HD + CHAMOD) or you automatically learn their name, race, general location relative to you, and one other piece of information about them personally of your choosing(GM Discretion) that can be meta concepts like level, class, saving throw bonus for one saving throw, or about personal things like foods they like, etc. Replaces Elven Immunities.   With Egos so large that they think themselves royalty one and all, its no surprise that many Cloud Elves become so assured of their own self-worth that the mere thought of being afraid or commanded because of another creature is so anathema to them that they are more resistant against such effects, and can even learn some information about who dares to inflict such things upon them.
Light Feet: Gain a Permanent Waterwalking effect on yourself. You can activate and deactivate this ability as a free action. Replaces Keen Senses.   Used to treading upon the clouds, it isn't uncommon for Cloud Elves to develop an innate technique to travel upon liquid as naturally as they do upon air.
Graceful Harlequin: Gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth checks. Gain Perform(Dance) as a class skill if it wasn't already. You can use Perform(Dance) checks in place of stealth checks. Replaces Keen Senses.   Though Cloud Elves rarely have or care to possess anything resembling a standing military and instead prefer to use their Cloud Giant friends for protection, the closest thing they have to warriors is the legendary Harlequins. Dancing about the clouds like graceful dancers, they meld into and out of the shadows, each spin and pirouette designed to awe as they get close and slit the throats of their foes.
Natural Supremacy: May cast Enlarge person on yourself as an at-will spell-like ability. You gain a +4 on all intimidate, diplomacy, and bluff checks made against smaller creatures when enlarged this way. 1/day, you may issue a Command as per the spell to a creature smaller than you and have it automatically obeyed. Replaces Oligarch's Aura.   Though Cloud Elves commonly consider the notion that 'Size Equals Power' to be a barbaric concept lacking in proof, some Cloud Elves not only believe in this, but are also aware that to be bigger than one's foes strikes fear into their hearts...and that the small naturally obey the strong.
Noblesse Oblige: All creatures, regardless of whether or not they are immune, become capable of willingly allowing themselves to be affected by a charm or compulsion effect cast by you. If they do so and allow themselves to be affected, they gain a racial +2 bonus on all die rolls made while under this effect and are treated as if they had a ring of sustenance effect on them. These bonuses are revoked and they are automatically nauseated for 1d4 rounds if they take hostile action against you. 3/day, you may cast Charm Person as a swift action. Replaces Oligarch's Aura.   Cloud elves may be incredibly haughty, high-handed, and even Arrogant at times, but none are as kind to those who serve beneath them with loyalty and ardor than the Cloud Elves. So long as those they command serve them dutifully and to the best of their ability, they hold no qualms and spare no expense ensuring their lives are lived in comfort and they are provided for as reward for their service. To Cloud Elves, true nobility is a lifestyle more than a type of personality, and even one's servants can never be taken for granted and indeed, should be cared for and protected.
Oceanic Ambassador: Gain a permanent Waterbreathing effect on yourself, and whenever you are in water your flight speed is converted to a swim speed. Gain Diplomacy as a class skill if you do not already have it as one, otherwise gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks. Gain Aquan as a bonus language. Replaces Peerless Epicure.   Though the Cloud Elves make it a point to not associate themselves with those they believe would sully their cities or themselves, they often make trips to the ocean floor to see their reclusive Sea Elf kin, who they see as one of a rare few cultured beings in an otherwise uncultured world. Such Cloud Elves naturally adapt to the water Environs of their Aquatic Kin.
Vortex Breath: As a standard action that provokes AoO, you can open your mouth and inhale with the force of a thundering typhoon. All enemies within a 40ft cone must make a fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 + CHAMOD) or be dragged up to 20ft towards you and take 2d8 bludgeoning damage. They are dragged only half as far on a successful save, and take half damage as well. You may use this ability once every 1d8 rounds. Replaces Peerless Epicure.   Special: You can choose to push enemies away instead of pull them in.   With lungs that roil and churn with the force of the sky's wrath, these eccentric Cloud Elves choose to pursue less food and drink based hobbies and instead on refining the powerful breath they are capable of mighty is the force of their inhales or exhales, that the tornado that emerges from their lips can shove or pull their foes closer or further away from them. More skilled practitioners of this art are said to be able to inhale many creatures at once, and spirit them away to strange demiplanes to keep them prisoner, but few reach that height.
A Noble's Purity: You may use CHA in place of CON for all saves made vs. poisons and drugs and any similar bodily affliction(GM Discretion). Replaces Force of Personality.   In order to uphold their image, many Cloud Elves keep themselves fastidiously clean and tidy, showing the very image of purity to the outside world such that no blemish, scar, or wound appears upon their sky-colored skin. Even poisons, when faced with the might of their powerful will, are nothing in comparison.
How dare you strike me?: You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls against the foe or enemy who attacked you and dealt you damage most recently equal to 1/2 your CHAMOD(Min 1). This bonus can only apply to one enemy at a time. If multiple enemies hit you in the same round, you can choose who the bonus applies to. While this bonus is active, you know their general direction and distance relative to you for 24 hours, or until you switch the target of this ability. Replaces Force of Personality.   While they almost universally believe in the way of Noblesse Oblige and taking care of their servants and lessers so long as they obey, the one exception to this dignity is when they are touched by another being they do not deem worthy of the privilege...often, they take great offense to this, and become enraged in a display of rare emotion as they seek to punish the one who dared to strike their perfect forms.
Skilled: Gain an additional skill rank per level. Replaces Eyes of the Sky and Keen Senses.   Some Cloud Elves, after spending years, decades, and even centuries within their massive librariums, come out as more skilled than they were before.
Refined Senses: Gain the Scent Universal Monster Rule out to 60ft. Replaces Eyes of the Sky.   To better sample the amazingly exotic scents, smells, and flavors of the world in greater depth, many Cloud Elves hone their sense of smell until it becomes incredibly hyper-sensitive.
Sensemonger: As a standard action that provokes AoO, you can choose to hijack one sense(Sight, Taste, Touch, Hearing, Smell) of an ally(willing or unwilling) within 120ft and use their chosen sense instead of your own. While using this ability, the chosen ally is not affected in any meaningful way and often does not know their sense is being hijacked, though you can telepathically make them aware if you so choose. You can choose to drop this ability as a free action. Replaces Eyes of the Sky.   To the proud and noble Cloud Elves who often garner entire batallions of servants, slaves, and vassals to cater to their whims and carry out tasks for them, whatsoever those they own have or are should also, naturally, belong to them as well...even the senses of their subjects are not exempt from their imperious will, and like tyrannical lords they freely make use of the senses of their subjects.
The Clouds Inside: Whenever you take damage from a piercing or slashing weapon, there is a 35% chance you immediately become the target of an Obscuring Mist spell. 1/day, may cast Fog cloud as an a swift action. Replaces Cloud Elven Magic.   Considered a sign of true pureblooded Cloud Elven Heritage, some Cloud Elves' bodies thrum with the clouds themselves, their blood misty and more akin to a gas than a liquid as their skin is even paler than usual. When struck by a weapon that would piercing or cut their skin, sometimes the clouds inside of them begin to billow out into the surrounding area and obscure all sight.
Master of Free Will: Gain a racial +1 to the DC of all charm and compulsion spells you cast, and cast such spells at +1 caster level. By spending a full round in concentration on a creature within eyesight, you can learn what their total bonus to will saves is. The DC bonus increases to +4 against creatures with the Giant subtype. Replaces Cloud Elven Magic.   Though they would strike whosoever declared they did not care for or treat their servants and slaves well, Cloud Elves nonetheless have no qualms mentally bending others to their will to achieve their own ends and often see the act of doing so as a gift to their target. Those rare Cloud Elves who embrace this philosophy and delve deep into the twisted and arcane nature of the Rune Giants gain valuable but forbidden knowledge of how to bend the minds of others, particularly Giants, to their will easier.
Lord of the Old Ways: You become proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon. Replaces Blood of the Clouds.   Though they have long removed themselves from the surface world and the affairs of the Elves that dwell on it, there are yet some Cloud Elves who remember and practice the old Elven traditions of warfare and combat, eschewing the more opulent lifestyles of their kin for a more balanced existence.
Ancient Smith: You gain a racial +4 on all crafting and profession checks related to crafting arms and armor made of a special material. You know the secrets of smithing Mithral, and can make all items made of a special material in half the time. You also gain a +2 on Appraise checks, and use magic device is always a class skill for you(If it already is, gain a racial +2 on it). Replaces Blood of the Clouds.   Though most special materials are nothing but an exotic commodity up within their floating Cloud Cities, Cloud Elves often hoard rare and special materials such as Mithral with all the greed and gusto of dragons...and sometimes, some among them display such a curiosity in working with such special materials that they re-learn the secrets of their ancestors and become incredibly capable smiths, artisans, and users of magic devices.


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