Fekre Character in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Fekre (a.k.a. The Queen of Poxes)

An rotting woman - naked and obese - reclines in a wide throne. Puss and soil dribble from welts and wounds and converge to streams of filth at her feet. Waiting attendants, each more sickly and revolting than the last, eagerly scoop the waste into golden saucers before emptying the contents into their mouths. A twisted and pale babe suckles upon one of her breasts. Her voice comes crackling through a throat choked with vomit.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Fekre desires to infect the whole of The Prime Material with sickness and plague. She does not desire the death of her subjects, only their sickness. By their devotion to her, they are allowed to survive their illness and continue living.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fekre has no direct physical form. Her soul is currently residing within the Plague infestation within Kasimir Velikov.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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