Anias Redsun Character in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Anias Redsun

Anias Redsun is a former Major in the Noblis Military and current member of The Watchful Servants who fought on the side of humanity in The Concord of Black Invasion of 550.

Mental characteristics


The Noblis Military

  Anias was trained as a military arcanist at the Noblis Military Academy and entered into the infantry service as a Lieutenant. His dedication and efficiency quickly earned him a Captain's comission without a lordship, and was given command of an arcane support company attached to the Noblis regiment's 4th Battalion. Anias eventualy transferred to a battalion staff position with his promotion to Major.   During the Skuoy-Fluan conflict, Anias elevated his commission to Lieutenant Colonel of the Noblis' Regiment's arcane training battalion, where he would serve until the winter of 536. Anias was called before a military tribunal, to hear evidence of his involvement in a series of high-profile assassinations against members of Noblis' noble families. He was truthfully guilty as charged, but was saved from direct incrimination by The Watchful Servants. However, military prosecutors were still able to make a case for negligence strong enough to lose Anias his Lt. Colonelship and instead be demoted back to Major.   Anias never returned to command, and was instead placed into administrative roles within the Military beaurocracy. In 549 E4, Anias was deployed to Oxnard on an assignment to select arcane resources from the city to be reapportioned to other parts of the military. In the winter of 551, an attempted assassination forced Anias to flee Oxnard, go AWOL from the military, and enter the full service of The Watchful Servants.    

The Watchful Servants

  In 533 E4, Anias was approached by an agent of The Watchful Servants who began a casual friendship. As their relationship developed, the agent fed Anias progressively more information about the strange nature and justifications for Noblis' war with Skuoy-Flua. On his own investigation, Anias began to relaize that the supposed threat of a Skuoy-Fluan invasion was entirely fabricated, and that Azzos was using the conflict as a cover for annexing the territory. Worse, the Skuoy-Fluans were competent guerilla fighters that inflicted disproportionate losses upon the Noblis military. And their occult magics were particularly effective counters against Galatian arcanists.   Fearing that his own son would graduate the academy and be dispatched to the frontline, Anias agreed to work with the WS agent to help end the war. Initially, his involvement extended only to feeding the WS secret information from within the Regiment. By the time the Watchful Servants began assassinating nobles, Anias was too deeply connected to safely leave. He continued cooperating through the duration of the conflict, until the pressure applied to the Noblis' nobility finally eroded their support for the war and Noblis sued for peace.   After abandoning his post in Oxnard, Lumina deployed Anias to Abenruck, where he assisted the city in their adopted fight against The Concord of Black.


Contacts & Relations

Anias is subservient to Lumina, through his employment with The Watchful Servants. He is also an associate of fellow WS agent, Matteo Luscerne.   As a Watchful Servants agent, Anias is known to Lord Caspar Valthorn and other elements of the Abenruck military.   Anias has worked with The Red Dragons mercenary company.   During his involvement with assassinations during the Skuoy-Fluan conflict, Anias sometimes worked with assassins from The Shroud, including master-assassin Franz Calenzana.   Anias is an ally of The Bloody Tooth, via his son Nesen Redsun.

Family Ties

Anias is married to Mirella Redsun, and has been since 510 E4. Their relationship has been strained since Anias' military tribunal hearings and subsequent ejection from the polite society of the petty-nobility. Mirella lives at their estate in Varkin.   Anias has one son: Nesen Redsun, who followed in his footsteps to become a military officer and arcanist. Nesen is also a member of The Watchful Servants.

Religious Views

Though not personally zealous, Nesen is most closely devoted to Azzos. Despite the dragon-king's overambitions, Nesen recognizes the law and order imposed by Azzos as ultimately beneficial to humanity. He hopes to help steer the dragon into becoming a true deity for mankind.

Social Aptitude

Anias is a reserved and dutiful officer. He is much more comfortable working on practical problems than navigating social encounters, and he has difficulty expressing his emotions.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Major of the Noblis Military (Former, MIA) ; Agent of The Watchful Servants
Date of Birth
488-05-11 E4
Year of Birth
20488 63 Years old
Brown, short and well-kept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skinned
Aligned Organization


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