Journey to the West (Pt 5) Report in Coralous Island | World Anvil
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Journey to the West (Pt 5)

Session 24 Recap

General Summary

The party heads into the Darkbough Forest accompanied by the rest of the Bregaran Exit Expedition Team, following the lead of Erik Cove and the two guides provided by Ssel’is’is. The forest becomes increasingly dark, forcing them to use light sources to illuminate their way, but also exposing their position to potential predators.   Eventually, Rayne notices that Oskra has sniffed out a small stone marmot, which the expedition takes interest in. Deciding that it might be the work of a basilisk, the expedition starts proceeding more carefully, eventually stumbling into a basilisk ambush that ends with nearly a third of the expedition being turned to stone. Fortunately, Rayne recalls that fresh basilisk blood could be used to reverse petrification, so those that were turned to stone are able to be returned to normal.   Having put the ambush behind them, Erik and Genis decide to push on, away from the scene of the fight, and to make camp once a reasonable distance has been made, so that those who were injured in the fight can rest and recover from the ordeal. When camp is finally made, and watches are posted, the expedition members are able to fully reflect on the day's events, promoting a general sense of unease that is shared by even the most senior adventurers and explorers.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Defend the expedition from the basilisk ambush

Character(s) interacted with

General conversations were held with major expedition members Genis Ailer, Erik Cove, Morgan Greyson, Misel Stonebow, and Aemon Aemonson.
The Red Blade Outkasts
Report Date
19 Jan 2020
Primary Location


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