Tempusgaard Building / Landmark in Cor'Aleth | World Anvil


The inhabitants of the Storm Hills are some of the toughest peoples in all of Cor'Aleth. The region is fierce, the wildlife is deadly, and life in the few towns that exist in the Storm Hills is unforgiving. The largest city in the storm hills, Jeya, is an Iron Fortress that other cities speak of in fear. In truth, Jeya only built their impenetrable walls because they fear Tempusgaard.   The Storm Hills is full of giant beasts and hill giants, but the most feared are the Storm Giants who have built an enormous castle into one of the hills. This castle, called "Tempusgaard", dwarfs any other building in Cor'Aleth. The walls surrounding the castle are almost 60 feet tall. The castle itself stands well over 400 feet tall. The road leading to the only entrance to Tempusgaard is a stone path that serpentines up the hill before arriving at a large stone bridge. The bridge is 40 feet wide and spans a 150' gap over a natural chasm. This bridge is as close as any outsiders has ever gotten to the castle itself. When someone wants to go to the Storm Giants to ask for anything, they stand at one end of the bridge between two large brass braziers that seem to always stay lit even in the frequent rainstorms and thunderstorms that roll through the storm hills.   Nobody knows if the Storm Hills are always experiencing storms because of the giants' stronghold or if they settled here because of the weather, but the two now go hand in hand. Many druids have come to the region claiming that the weather was not natural and it was affecting the wildlife, causing harsher conditions in which only aggressive predators can survive. The biggest way to anger these Storm Giants is to try to change the weather here. The Storm Giants have their own clerics and druids that can feel this magic. Druids who attempt to affect the weather in this area are guaranteed the wrath of the Storm Giants.