Keithaw Bragga Character in Contraterrene Petrichor | World Anvil
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Keithaw Bragga



He is powerful in both body, and what he controls. He is the Concilor of Agriculture of Ank'Harel. Where most of the other Councilors at his station have a team to help them, he has purposefully spent years making sure he is at the top and no one can get to his station.(Think of a really really sucky pyrimid scheme and this is what he has created). He has made many enemies over the years, and he got his current position due to a political marriage to Pyriel La'taravey who happened to be well loved by the common folk who he always knew were far beneath him. This alliance only lasted about a decade, before he knew he could dispose of her like a used tissue, and to ensure that she was unable to slander him or reveal practices she had witnessed as his right hand (when he trusted her), he kept her favorite maid in their splitting of things...forcefully. He knew she despised him. But for the maid's safety she would not be able to come to the surface, for he had eyes everywhere.


Keithaw was one of those people the common folk knew to avoid in the streets, and he was easy to spot as he traveled with at least 4 body guards at all times in the streets. His business was in the desert creatures, specifically the pods of Sandcracklers he raised and left to roam (his herders ensured they were within good distance of the city) to ensure an attack from the safaan on Ank'Harel was a lot less likely. His herders were the only successful ones in handling the beasts, and they would kill other beasts as they went, creating a nice meat trade as a by product. He was also the main driver in the many agricultural centers in the controled spaces in Un'Kar.


If you believe them, rumor also had him pegged as a link in a criminal organization's chain. Which one? Depends on who you asked. For this was a rumor that indeed everyone bought into. I mean, wouldn't you? Just look at his picture. He looks like a villan in a superhero comic.


Keithaw Bragga


Towards Pyriel La'taravey


Pyriel La'taravey


Towards Keithaw Bragga


Keithaw Bragga

hesitant worshipper

Towards Bane




Towards Keithaw Bragga


Pyriel La'taravey (Ex-wife)
Keithaw Bragga   Councilor of Agriculture


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