Infra Ultima
The cipher of the universe
With all the knownledge from the past, present, and far future, it has been combined together and turn into the most secured cypher in the universe. Those who work at DSC know how it work, but don't know how to read. It isn't just a binary. It isn't just a set of logics and atthemetic. It's a tale, a legend, a history. The several ten thousand years of human development has led to this piece of magnum opus. It's only served the purpose of our sacred system of our deep space communication: The DSC!!
Infrra Ultima is the name of the encrypted digital language used for sending datas through deep space with zero chance of leaking or hacking. It was carefully designed to be organic as much as possible, as if it was the force of nature. It can be encrypted, but it can alse be read with direct eyes.
It has no sound or spelling, it has only symbols that flow in the stream of quintillion of datas sending from one station to another - every seconds. Connecting to display it will show noises. Connecting to Hologram projector would show the stream of rainbow, so bright and beautiful.
Encrypt and Decrypt
When the progress start, the message will be encrypted with all sort of advance mathematic and the cultural knowledge from Earth. One of the set they used is believed to be the alphabetic order of several old earth language and some folklore and such.
The language will not complete the encryption without physical element by using light at specific range and time in order to currupt the data even more. The process was called "The Enlightment" There are two light being know which is Infrared and Ultraviolet.
The cipher and light will be sent into the special wave called The Great Wave. The Great Wave was developed to be better than ordinary electromagnetic wave. It can send anything withe the speed of parsecs per second. Once the data reach the destination, the data will be decode the same as encoding, but reverse.
The Master of Old World
Since it used tons of old tales and pure mathematic to encrypt, it is possible to read the direct message without any encryption devices, but it took decades to master. If you see mathematics as a language rather than a tool, you have only known the quarter.