Elayesur Species in Concieled Grimohvey | World Anvil


Creature of water, able to control it. If evaporated needs more water somewhere close to keep going. They have a telepathic ability to transmit thought, but cannot read thoughts.   Each creature has a slightly different voice in your head so you cannot confuse one for another, even if Elayesur tried to hide their identity

Basic Information


Consist of water and shape it to their will, cannot forgo gravity completely, but are able to climb obstacles and jump a little.

Genetics and Reproduction

How Elayesur are born is a myth

Growth Rate & Stages

They just appear on the surface of the planet Ella'mykor

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They sense conscious around them, but cannot read thought, only transmit them.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
It's rare for Elayesur to learn to tint the color of the water they're controlling.
Related Myths


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