The Golden Horde Organization in Cogs and Magic | World Anvil

The Golden Horde

Some say they were the most successful adventuring party that ever existed, others say they are full of what comes out of an ox' rear end, but the fact remains. The Golden Horde left to explore the world, and came back with news of other continents, strange items and plants, weird looking fur and bones, and even weapons and armor of unknown origin. And stories. Plenty of stories.   Formed by a young dwarven fighter named Grumm Orcheck in 1832, the party consisted of the fighter Grumm Orcheck, son of a wealthy mineral merchant in Dun Craigh, a wizard from Lerchendahl by the name of Darian Krakenbane, a cleric from The Reformed Church named Ingrid the Curious, a shady tiefling rogue from the docks of Valentinlyst by the name of Afhala Heartseeker, an elven ranger from the Valley of Roses named Eomar the Sure Shot, and a multitude of bards who were tasked to write about The Golden Horde's adventures, but who never lasted more than one adventure as a member of the party.   Due to The Golden Horde's refusal to let other adventurers join them on their expeditions to the uncharted territories, the Explorer's Guild was formed as a competition to fame and glory.


Formed in 1832 by bored adventurers who wanted to make a name. The Golden Horde soon found that there werent that much to do as most of The Golden Dawn Empire was civilized and safe. They bought a small ship, and set off to explore the world. After having adventured for some years in the other Empires in the known world, their ship was caught in a storm, and they ended up on a strange coast. They had found an unknown continent!   They spent the next years exploring this new continent, while slowly repairing their ship so they could go home again. When they eventually came home in 1849, and told about what they had seen, an avalanche of other adventurers left for the uncharted territories to seek fame and glory for themselves.    The Golden Horde made two other expeditions to the strange lands before disbanding in 1865.


After having explored the world, fought for their lives, and collected riches beyond anyone's wildest hopes, the members of the party decided that after 33 years adventuring was getting more and more hard on their bodies, so they quit when they were on top.  They disbanded The Golden Horde, settled down, and live to tell their tales.

We go, we win and we come back with the treasure.

1832 - 1865

Adventuring Party


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