Lerchendahl Settlement in Cogs and Magic | World Anvil


Lerchendahl is an old human city, currently populated by almost 35.000 people of all races. It is the capital of The Empire.    All three churches have their archbishop located in Lerchendahl, and their cathedrals are large and impressive. There are also several smaller churches and monestaries scattered around the city. The Wizard's College educates both wizards and to some extent sorcerers, and professors from the college also spend time at the Bard's College where they train the up and coming bards in magic. The guild of Artificers have also made their home in Lerchendahl and have been commisioned by the Major to invent useful items both for city defense and to amuse the population. Several of the merchant's guilds have moved their headquarters to Lerchendahl as it has a large port and is the major trade hub for the Empire.    The city has three districts, The Gardens, where all the noble families have their residence. The Old Town, where most of the merchants live and work, and finally The Wells, where the workers, servants and some of the more shady people live. In the middle of the city lies a large park and the castle of the Empress.    The Park
The Park is a large botanical garden with picknic tables and playgrounds. It is next to the castle, so there are always guards around making it a safe place to enjoy the sun in the summer. There are statues of old Emperors and Empresses, a large fountain and trees and plants from all over the known world. Gardeners from the castle keep the grass short, the trees trimmed and the flowerbeds free of weeds all year long.    The Gardens
The buildings are mostly grand structures made of stone. Most of them have stone gargoyles on the roof, large stained glass windows and courtyards with stables. Along the roads trees and flower beds have been planted to make them more pleasant, and the nobility often stroll along the streets to nod at each other and at the same time show off their clothes and wealth. The city guard is very much present in The Gardens, but unless there are actual work to be done, they keep a respectful distance to the inhabitants. The Bard's College and the Explorer's Guild are both located in The Gardens, the first for convenience when the nobility needs music at their balls, the latter because it is funded by the nobility and they like to visit to look at the exhibitions of wonderous items the guild has collected over the years without having to go to other parts of the town.   The Old Town
The architecture of Old Town is a mix between old, nearly ancient, log buildings and newer townhouses. The streets aren't as straight as in The Gardens, with several alleys and shortcuts criss-crossing between the buildings. The merchants who live here are wealthy, and many of them have their store at the ground floor while they live upstairs. Almost any item is available in Old Town, from weapons and armour to flowers and herbs. There are a few shops worth mentioning, as Bloodbath and Beyond, a second-hand weapons and armour store, The Masque, the go-to store for nobles looking for a new attire, and Gina's Coffe House, where wizards, bards, and artificer's meet for a cup of coffe and a debate on magic. The city guard do often patrol the streets of Old Town to protect the various businesses. The Artificer's Guild and the Wizard's College are both located in Old Town.    The Wells
Mostly wooden buildings that the inhabitants do their best to keep nice with their limited resources, The Wells is where the workers and the shady people live. There are some shops in The Wells, mostly selling day-to-day items, groceries and the odd trinket. Several of the buildings have a tavern at the ground floor, so people can enjoy an ale after a long day at work. Most notorious is The Badger Hole Tavern, a place with cheep beer and gambling, The Horny Imp, a house of "ill repute", where people can pay to enjoy the company of others, and Madame Yari's Shop of The Wonderful, where people can buy "magical trinkets", curses, have curses lifted, and get their palm read. The city guard does a few rounds through The Wells every day, and will stop anyone they deem a nuisance to ask questions. By some weird coincidence all three churches have their cathedral in The Wells.    The City Guard
The city guard are almost all fighters in full plate armor created by the city's artificers and infused with magic protection. Their weapons are also powerful. Their barracs are located at the harbor, the city gates, and next to the castle in the middle of the city. The mere presence of the city guard is normally enough to stop anything but the largest riots.
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