Dixieland Organization in Cisum | World Anvil
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Dixieland (dik-see-land)

Dixieland is a hospitable land that produces most of the agricultural needs of the Acapellago. Since the opening of a few portals to the Abyss, the occasional deal is made with a devil. This has given rise to a native Tiefling population. While initially uncommon, bigotry towards the Tieflings has grown and is starting to become commonplace.

Demography and Population

Total Population:

Population Breakdown:

  • 25% Human
  • 20% Halfling
  • 15% Gnome
  • 10% Elf
  • 10% Tiefling
  • 10% Half-Elf
  • 10% Other
Geopolitical, Country
Power Structure
Feudal state
Standard copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins
Major Exports
  • Agricultural
Controlled Territories


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