Hunters Military Formation in Chronicles of the Zamfir | World Anvil
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Hunters began as a way to catch and bring werewolves who committed crimes to justice. They were comprised usually of 4-6 individuals, almost always werewolves, though a few times the party would include a particularly gifted fae or even a vampire, depending on the circumstances. They were usually not from the same pack as the offender and would either capture and bring them back to their pack for punishment or kill them and bring back their head as proof of death depending on the orders from the victim's alpha. If human authorities were involved and the penalty within that human society was death, they would capture and neutralize the wolf's magic using silver introduced into the body, usually by means of a small coin being forced down the throat. In the modern day, hunter groups do not typically work with human law enforcement due to the length of time needed to wait for justice and typically kill the werewolf themselves and dispose of the remains.   As the Great Purge began, several of these groups began to specialize in taking down she-wolves, taking on additional members to compensate for the female dire form's significantly larger stature and working more with the fae, given the she-wolf's magical practitioner role in werewolf society. As the Great Purge kept on and werewolf society began to rely less and less upon any sort of cause to hunt she-wolves, these specialized groups became migratory, tracking rumors of she-wolves. In the modern day, these groups are suspected of killing several wolf-blooded women they have suspected to be able to shift, which has brought condemnation from more progressive packs, especially bachelor packs who have very little realistic chances of performing well on the bride market and rely upon out-pack wolves and wolf-blooded women to find mates. The vast majority of packs and organizations, however, are notably silent on the matter.



Tools included silver-coated restraints or even just small silver pendants on a cord, which were enchanted to bypass the werewolf's natural defenses that allow them to handle silver objects and begin to drain the magic from them, leaving them helpless against injury and unable to shift. The practice of carrying a number of silver coins was also common and they were typically placed in the wolf's mouth and forced to swallow, which allowed some of the more grisly execution methods that were popular among humans to be used on them.  
One particular group of hunters was well-known for carrying the Roman denarius coins specifically for the harsh cruelty of the depiction of the Palatine She-Wolf being used to murder other she-wolves.


Poisoned Darts
Dipped in various poisons that cause wolfsbane poisoning. These were only ever used with werewolves for whom the sentence was death.

Silver Weapons
Were either made of silver or lined with a silver solution to leave traces of the substance in wounds, preventing healing by way of absorbing the werewolf's magical energy. After the invention of the gun, the use of silver bullets became very common as the solid structure allows for better absorption of magic and substantially weakens the werewolf affected.

Executioner's Axe
The use of heavy axes was also fairly common, as many were killed still in wolf or dire form and the most effective and sure-fire means of execution was decapitation.
Overall training Level

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