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Lycanthropy (lai · kan · thruh · pee)

Lycanthropy is a supernatural condition that is the result of a curse.

Transmission & Vectors

Lycanthropy is most frequently the result of a bite or scratch from an afflicted creature. While not every such injury causes transmission of the curse, some species of lycanthropes have been known to have higher rates of transmission. Those who contract the curse in this way are known as Afflicted Lycanthropes.   The curse is also capable of transmission through reproduction. Those who carry the curse from their ancestors are knowing as Natural Lycanthropes. Just as the transmission is not guaranteed through physical injury, transmission by reproduction is not certain. In addition, the curse can lay dormant in a genetic line for generations. The curse also has the potential to show in lesser ways, creating what is known as the Moonblooded.


Lycanthropy is the result of an ancient curse, though its origins are lost to time. Speculation among the various Humanoid Speciesinclude that it is a result of living in too-close harmony with animals, or interbreeding (the Oroka in particular are fond of this theory), or simply diseased animals biting and affecting someone.   While various cultures have their own myths and legends surrounding the origins of lycanthropy, the end result is the same: a cursed being who transforms into an animal.


Afflicted Lycanthropes begin to feel the curse in the days leading up to the full moon. Two days prior, they begin to take on traits associated with the animalistic nature of their affliction. This typically presents as increase body hair, sharper senses, and longer nails or teeth. The afflicted may begin to feel more irritable or restless at this time.   The day prior to their transformation, the skin begins to itch and flake as it starts to die. If the afflicted had not yet exhibited sharper teeth and nails, these become obvious at this stage. Behavior shifts as the afflicted take on traits associated with the animalistic nature of their affliction: a werefox might become more adventurous, curious. A werebat might begin speaking softer and listening more intently, a wererat might start distancing themselves from groups and grow more cautious and paranoid, and a wereshark will instinctively seek out water.   On the night of the full moon, the afflicted undergoes an involuntary transformation, shedding their skin (often in a violent and gory manner), becoming an animal. During this time, the afflicted have no control over themselves, acting in a manner befitting the animal they have become, nor do the afflicted have any recollection of what occurs. The transformation lasts until moonset, though most stories and myths conflate this with the transformation ending at sunrise.   Should an afflicted undergo a transformation in an environment that is not habitable for them, such as the wereshark, they do run the risk of dying. 
Natural Lycanthropes undergo a similar transition when the curse manifests itself, typically at the onset of puberty or during a particularly stressful event, but once they have transformed the first time, they can train themselves to control their transformation with a degree of precision that allows for the transformation into a hybrid animal/humanoid form.


A single dose of Wolfsbane extract is known to subdue or even cure the affliction, while certain divine magic can remove the curse entirely. Like most mortal beings, a lycanthrope can be killed with grievous enough injuries. They are more resistant to suffering injury, though silver and concentrated wolfsbane prove to be an irritant to the touch and fatal when injected or used as a weapon.

Affected Groups

While the Werewolf strain of lycanthropy is the most well known, the other strains1 include werebat, werebear, wereboar, werefoxwererat, wereshark, and weretiger.


The easiest method of preventing lycanthropy transmission from an afflicted lycanthrope is to avoid injury. If that is not possible, immediate consumption of a single dose of wolfsbane strengthens the body's resistance to the curse. As with treatment, certain divine magic can also prevent the curse from taking hold.   Certain hunters in the Wolfweald region of Falcrest believe that certain scars can protect them from contracting the disease.

Cultural Reception

Due to the myths and legends surrounding them, lycanthropes of all strains are feared and ostracised by their communities. Natural lycanthropes take great pains to conceal their conditions, only transforming when absolutely necessary. Afflicted lycanthropes who are aware of their condition will often make preparations to lock themselves away in the days leading up to their transformation, both for their safety and the safety of others.   The exception to this lies in two cultures:   The Norten Fiereni, in the Kingdom of Nortvin, have a kind regard for natural werebears, believing them to be the descendants of Grandfather Bear, a legendary figure in the remote areas of the kingdom.    The Blackspear Oroka have formed a relationship with the Maku weresharks of their region, relying on them for trade and news of the outside world.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
1Pathfinder GMs may also allow the Silverblood, Werecrocodile, and Wereraptor lycanthropes.


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Jul 1, 2021 23:07

I like this. You have a good amount of detail and the article is ordered well. The transformations ending at moonset is a nice detail. I'm curious how Afflicted Weresharks deal with finding water, the need to get to a body of water by a full transformation must make it the most inconvenient. I'd like to see more about how it varies by strain. On that note I noticed what looks like a number for a footnote when you bring up strains, but I can't see any footnotes or equivalent section.

Jul 1, 2021 23:17 by Pax Sequoia

Thank you! I adjusted from an Author's Note to a full-width footer on the footnote, so it should be more readily visible now! I'll expand on this quite a bit with each strain in their own species article, but I added a tooltip and clarification under Symptoms!

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