The Festival of Black Tradition / Ritual in Chordas System | World Anvil

The Festival of Black

Coinciding with a large harvest, the Festival of Black affects the prosperity of the land in the following Spring. Farmers bring a share of the crops to the castle and stay for the festival after a long season of work. Nobles, traders, guild workers, and artisans make the journey.

Their reward is a festival of bounty and indulgence steeped in ancient legends. Great bonfires dot the massive cliffs of the Soza mountains and at each bonfire is a feast and libations that taste of a damp pine forest. A circle is formed, a spell spoken, and then one after another, each participant joins the dance.

“We beseech you, Lady Moon. Light the dark months and bring forth a glorious Springtime. We beseech you, Lady Soil. Freshen and revive our valleys in the coming year that the bounty of your children may flow forth. We beseech you, mountain spirits. Join our dance and bind our lives together that we might flourish and grow.”

Components and tools

Ceremonial robes are heavy and thick, to protect against the cool autumn air and howling winds.
There are always howling winds.


Food is prepared, fires are built, and caldrons are hung and filled with meat, onions, and potatoes. Tables are laden with sweetbreads, fresh fruit, vegetables, and kegs of drink. Children toss dried leaves along the path of the procession which crunch under the feet that follow. An elder forms and leads the circle, and selects the first dancer. The first dancer leads the dance and calls the mountain spirits.


Some participants believe in the spirits who aid the magic circle, and some only believe in the herbal meads and brews.

Important Locations
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