Courthouse Building / Landmark in Chordas System | World Anvil


The Market town Courthouse has a fashionable half-circle of stairs leading up to the columned entrance, but miscreants found themselves hauled to a side door labeled "Admissions" in three languages. The interior was smooth and curved, without right angles. Benches and stools were organized into meeting spaces in groups of three or five. The single courtroom was the most linear space, though edges were still softened into smooth curves. Textures and shapes to calm eyan nerves.

The courtroom was presided over by Justice P. Richter and Lord Arror Bardor. On the left was the towering eyan noble Justice Lord Arror Bardor, a head and shoulders above Richter. On the right sat the staunch, balding figure of Justice Paul Richter, former first officer of the Lexicon ship that crashed on this world fifteen years ago. Decisions were swift in Market Town, but calculated to appease local sensibilities, both human and eyan, and to teach as much as punish. Rehabilitation was considered a better solution than recidivism.

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