Darkwater Settlement in Chimera D10 | World Anvil


The abandoned frontier.   It was an old fort fought in a war that wrought the whole landscape with a flood. Much of it is now covered in swamp. What once had been green moorland was destroyed in an instant, and any further conquest was abandoned.


Upper Social Class: One ruling family, The Marcasites. A residential mage and historian, Clergy who act as surrogate lawmen and watch over the city.   Middle Class: One Merchant family, Owner of a tavern "Dragon's Red Ale" and farmer, and craftsmen withing hunter/farmer families.   Lower Class: Hunters, Farmers, Scouts.


Theocracy: most of the denizens follow the faith posed by their clergy as both a means for self guidance and a means of governance entirely.


When the fort first began, it was much like a missionary, with fortified walls about, the ability to house other settlers, and several military assets to their name. After the first few battles against encroaching trolls and the like, the walls began to fall into disrepair and the settlers who would rather not risk their lives, fled. Those who stayed fought a grim battle, and the denizens of said town are the decedents of these defenders.   Before the war was over, a church was erected in hopes of drawing a conduit to them. This ultimately failed.


Overall, the area surrounding Darkwater is still well fortified, but not by walls. Darkwater sits atop a hill that overlooks the swamps, and though it has limited use of walls, its wizard tower also functions as a lookout for militia members. Additionally, the fort-town itself is near several ruins that wee laid to waste due to the war itself. Such historical treasures make it a valuable exporter of ancient world artifacts.
Alternative Name(s)
The Old Fort, The Marcasite Estate
Outpost / Base
Inhabitant Demonym

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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