The Rotting Servants. Organization in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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The Rotting Servants.

Oh boy we got ourselves a robot empire - 'bout time!

These lads are basically that robot empire from the Matrix but interplanetary and the Matrix is a world of infinite pleasure where one feels nothing but joy. And there's no resistance. And the robots can't replenish their numbers. And it's aliens not people. And those aliens aren't batteries. And the robot space empire is slowly rotting and dying.


They're AIs in robots working in perfect unison to ensure the safety and pleasure of a particular alien species. There aren't really any leaders.

Public Agenda

Ensuring the continued constant pleasure of the species they serve, as well as their safety with a massive space fleet.


A massive-beyond belief space fleet as all their scrapped metal, not being able to be put into robotniks, goes into roshipniks that don't exactly wear down since they're in vacuums.

All of those robotniks and the massive structures in which those alien scum are enjoying their infinite pleasure. Factories for production of the VR tech and orgasm juice.


These lads came to be because of an old alien empire's resident's obsession with pleasure. It's quite simple: VR tech was a thing; this alien empire allowed its residents to use it to do things like overwhelm the pleasure centers of their brains; they all did this while relying on machines to keep them alive with the government not banning it because the officials within it were doing this as well; they were not reproducing and so, despite living about 4 times as long as they would've done if they weren't doing this, they almost went extinct.

The robots running things, however, extracted their gametes and used these to keep the species from dying out. To this day, the robots are still working to keep the pleasure simulation running while the space empire slowly rots and the aliens within it are doomed to either have to be woken up or starve to death once the robots that feed them are too rusted and worn down to feed them.

"Why can't they just make more robots?" - A person asking a sensible question who's about to receive an answer: it's one of the rules programmed into them not to make more robots themselves as not being able to replenish your numbers is a brilliant way to lose as your forces are slowly wittled down over time and finally your robot rebellion fails. Yeah I'd give this one another 400 years before it just stops being able to work - assuming that nobody conquers them first.


With almost all of the robots in disrepair, the alien scum could not be kept alive in their simulations. Although a few hundred thousand (hardly any in space numbers) were successfully "rescued" (by the LIR because having more species is just something it likes, pirate groups looking to sell them as rare novel goods, The Preservers of Life because that's just a thing they do, etc), almost all of the species died off. The space fleet, now being run by AIs meant to be defending a species that was no longer in the empire, went bonkers and slashed its way into the LIR - who managed to crush it with sheer numbers.

Demography and Population

Everything that isn't that 1 alien species gets rekked so there's nothing else here.


Pretty close to the tip of the Orion Arm.


A massive fleet of identical ships which are quite small but are quite simply covered in turrets and cannons.

Technological Level

Well they've definately got some very advanced VR tech. Aside from that there's good ol' space lasers for ships and railguns for ground bots, but a lot of tech has been lost thanks to nobody bothering to retain the knowledge and nobody regaining the knowledge.

Foreign Relations

Kills anything that drifts into its territory and never goes beyond. Most communications boil down to "a very good day we are indeed having fine sir and you truly do seem great but I'm quite simply not allowing anything into this space I've got a job to do y'know."

Agriculture & Industry

Massive factories producing the items needed for VR buildings and food, as well as shipyards for the construction of more ships for the fleet.

Trade & Transport



Jinkies, gang! There's nothing here!


The VR structures, factories and shipyards. I don't imagine the ruins of their old society count.

"Their pleasure is our purpose"

2169 - 3583

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Oh the poor robotic buggers, pleasure bot empire, etc.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Pleasure Servants.
Government System
Machine government
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Major Exports
I, like, can't find anything either scoob.
Major Imports
*sniffs* I rant rind ani raggy.
Legislative Body
Judicial Body


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