Exotic Matter
Exotic matter is effectively anti-gravity matter. It is drawn to anti-gravity and emits anti-gravity like regular matter emits normal gravity and is drawn to normal gravity. Aside from obvious uses in pushing planets about and pushing away enemy fleets, it has a use in matter duplication.
The CHG refuses to digress on how this works and roughly 99.9 percent of the staff who work at the Supreme Base, where all of it is stored and used in matter duplication, don't have a clue either. Theories range from double ended portals being held up against the massive amounts of gravity they'd theoretically produce to exotic matter making matter when you splatter it against matter.
Material Characteristics
Physical & Chemical Properties
Can be used in matter duplication.
It pushes light away from itself and so shining a from where you are at it will make it seem to glow white but anything roughly behind it will make it look black and a little like a reverse black hole.
Well it seems to have its own "mirror elements" so you could say there's "exotic iron" and whatnot. The fact that the stuff is always either glowing white or utterly pitch black and likes to bend light near it away from it doesn't help with attempts to study it. Also it kind of does anti-gravity so trying to keep this thing on the floor is a nightmare.
Geology & Geography
Most cases are found inside Old One abandoned facilities, with there also being some patches stuck in the cores of planets with too little gravity for their size.
Origin & Source
The Old Ones seemed
Life & Expiration
No known expiration date but if the Old Ones did know how to turn regular matter to exotic matter then it may be possible to do that in reverse. But why would we want to do that?
Reverse/negative weight
It will move away from your nose. Otherwise smell-less
Eating it will probably kill you
It bends light away from itself so it kind of varies depending on angles and whatnot. Just walking around one with a single torch makes a rainbow show
Boiling / Condensation Point
It seems to vary within itself
Melting / Freezing Point
It seems to vary within itself
Arguable reverse/negative density
Common State
Inside planet cores, having just been ejected from a planet or stuck between 2 planets. Also inside Old One Facilities
Lol, it will move away from your nose. I chuckled. You say keeping it on the floor is nightmare, does this mean its possible? I want to know this nightmare!
Well, you could be between it and the ceiling and push it onto the floor if it were in a solid form - but you'd need to be stronger than the force of gravity itself. Another method that could be used is with magnetism, as most forms of exotic matter are fairly well-affected by it (exotic matter has its own periodic table, perfectly mirroring our own, so "exotic iron", for example, could be stuck to the floor with magnetism despite also being pushed away by gravity). There's also the use of gravity nets (which can invert gravity through the magic of sci-fi ruthlessly beating the laws of physics into bending for the sake of awesomeness) being used to attach exotic matter to them. Or you could put it at the exact core of a planet, which is clearly superior to keeping it on the floor because it's even lower, where the gravity emitted by the regular matter would keep it in place (except that even a slight bit more from one side will push the exotic matter a little and then more matter will move in to fill the spot the spot the exotic matter was in in an effect that will increase with time until, a thousand years and many earthquakes later or so, some exotic matter explodes forth from the surface of a planet and shoots into space at ludicrous speeds, probably killing like 50 people in the process).