The New Art Language in Charron | World Anvil

The New Art


The Classic Art style presents figures as venerable, wise, powerful and evokes classic myths. The New Art imbeds meaning, sarcasm and metaphor in classic images and styles. One must ask "What does this mean to say?". The Noble Patron portrait with the Gods behind them each with arms upon the shoulders of the other Gods, and hands up in blessing. The Patron stands on a woven carpet of sheafs of grain worked with leather strips, while Ebi has one hand on Noble one's robe. The noble patron has Ebi's hand upon them - to say they drink too much. The leather strip is a form of whip and grain say they are a demanding ruler. One might make robes billow out behind to suggest much passing of wind. Or place small people cleaning around them. Some patrons read and see the commentary and ignore it, or make suggestions, others do not see it - and instead see the blessings and themselves in the company of the Gods, the plain and common carpet, and the small people under them for protection and Heaven's grace.
It can be quite the trick to avoid insult while making these comments about the rich and powerful who employ the artist. Last Season it became the fashion to give opponents commissioned portraits in the New Art style and most artists profited. Only a few suffered torture or death for their art.
The New Style is bold and risky. One must observe the forms and proper respects while also creating coded meanings behind images. The Gentry family feast, with thin and threadbare servants as vague figures in the background. Replicating the Feast in a tapestry or painting on a wall with Nobles. Details of pattern with disguised images such as heart shapes in the pattern of the meat being cut. Even the flow of garments. If one has a daring Patron like the Noble Golam Lord Oshi Epanak, the Patron may even request statements on politics in a painting, tapestry or mosaic. One recently shown of his Mistress facing left on a couch, well made up in fancy red dress with a bare foot on a rod, cords and the tartan sock, and the lines of a punching glove recently removed, laughing mask and angry mask upon the couch. It was the talk of the season!
- Kynik Hitte, painter. Kitaruba Town.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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