Olia Ethnicity in Charron | World Anvil


Pale skin, blonde to white hair, straight. Gold or brown eyes., Narrow lips. They are the people of the Northern coast. Most smaller villages have longhouses and wooden stockade. Stone for bigger or stronger towns or fortifications. Homes and settlements have carved and painted wooden pillars representing the patron Totem of house, group or settlement. The society is based around Clans with associated Totem spirit.

The Clans are then composed of houses with their own aspect of the totem.  The houses are in two moieties - North/ West and South/ East houses which serve eachother in funerals, marriages and other functions. The Grand Elector is the regional Overlord, chosen by Great Clan leader houses in the Deliberative Council of Noble houses every 2 yrs. The Nobles (Jarls - Clan royals and Karls - house leaders) of the Clans owe protection to people (landsmin) and Land. They may draw from their own forces or hired Thanes (Fighting Orders), which consist of members of many clans.

  The culture favors ability - military, crafting, building or economic. It is also deeply economically oriented. The Empire looks down on traders as people who do not make things of use but only buy and sell, but not the Olia. Great Houses wield might of both arms and commerce.

  Houses are supposed to look out for the Thell (unlanded crafters, scholars and healers) and Landsmin of the clan - providing defense against monsters and invaders, as well as helping fund business ventures or patronage to allied houses or holders. Thanes are semi independent fighting orders or Societies related to traditional spiritual practices.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Olien Clans take a Totem patron name and icon. The Clan Totem is believed to be a Clan founder and part of the family. Within Clans the houses take totems of color/ direction or other aspects.


Culture and cultural heritage

Wood work and carving are major traditions. The northern Olia keep herds of Ghostdeer  for meat, hides, milk and bone as well and mounts and sledge pulling.

Shared customary codes and values

The local Clan leaders are the major law givers for a community. A clan council will have hearings. Crimes of property damage, and murder are investigated by testimony primarily. Punishment is fines, beatings, exile and branding. Some may be sold to outlanders as slaves in cases of severe crimes. Murder will likely be killed and the offender's clan will be expected to pay for and present a Gifting funeral paying back the debts and damages done.

Common Etiquette rules

The formal is impersonal - saying that "one may think", "Some have heard..." or other indirect reference. Familiarity brings personal identification as I and you. It is good manners to be indirect and seek permission to discuss personal things.
Mannhelg is the Olian principle of personal integrity of mind, body, rights and obligation to clan and family. What is yours is yours and no other may infringe except with permission. The individual is obligated to family and clan, to the land and spirits and to oaths and agreements. To be born into a clan is to have agreed to join. Leaving is an option but carries much scorn.

Common Dress code

Mens' clothing is pantaloon of cloth or leather, leather boots with fur, shirt of wool or other warm fabric, decorated vests with embroidery, porcupine quill worked in patterns or lines, and bright colors. Long coats over this in cold or wet weather.

Women's clothing is skirts or smocks in bold colors. Blouse, vest or double layer bodice and gathered neckline with colorful decoration. Aprons and cloth or leather shoes. Fur lined boots in wet or cold/ outdoor work.  Head covering is scarves, hats or headbands - again of bright color and decorated.

Clan totem carvings, jewelry, embroidery, beadwork or images painted/ dyed are also important.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The most important tradition is the Olia Gifting Ritual. This is a large gathering, to observe and commit to important social promotions, interclan or regional agreements, settle disputes and mark status or in funerals. The ritual involves giving gifts which mark recognition of status of others and places obligation to meet or exceed the gifts given. Frequently you may not know if other recognize your status claims until attending and seated at another Gifting. Giftings also occur with funerals, bestowing titles or announcing heirs and inheritances and seeking favor of the Totems.

Greetings within clan moiety would "Brother (sister) Wolf." Or by name. Across moiety is "cousin". Other clans are "Master" or "Lady" and clan totem or by name and totem. (ie. "Greetings Master Koto Black Elk".

Coming of Age Rites

Funerary and Memorial customs

Life and death are linked and two parts of the same thing. The dead live as spirits and if they have acquired favor and karma may move upward in rebirth to better status or becoming Major spirits like Devas themselves if they have enough favor and karma. Those without favor may descend or be locked in place until they or a family member can free the ghost to move up or down. Lacking Karma one may be reborn as the Totem type animal to learn the totem's way. Lacking favor of the spirits and Totem may mean being kicked out of rebirth within the Clan and Choir ( environmentally, behaviorally linked spirits of plants and animals). The exiled go to the underworld - cold, dark and barren land of ghosts.  Criminals and dishonored may be buried facedown, bound or dismembered to prevent rising as undead or harmful spirits.
We are always surrounded with spirits. They are as natural as any plant, tree or animal. One shows respect and honors the lives and being of things.

Common Taboos

Olians hold place and position as vitally important. Someone who has no place that is home, no lodge, society or clan is both tragic and monstrous. Such persons are seen as wild, immoral, insane. Lawless and threats without virtue. Vagrants or unbound are outcast criminals in the eyes of Olians- likely to attack and rob.

Common Myths and Legends

Each House as well as town or village has a Patron Spirit or spirits. It is said that each Clan was formed when a Totem spirit took a human form and spouse and the clans are descended from these unions.  The houses or Numaym  represent  the siblings, children and other relations of the founder human. The images and icons of the Totems are property of the Clans, lodges, societies and communities. It is theft to wear or have art of a totem that you are not entitled to show. Towns may be formed under a specific clan, but frequently form a special community union with a community Totem. In the Town square is a Totem pole of the patron spirits. In Imperial Provinces this is topped with the Imperial Phoenix. Regular offerings are made at the Pole (usually on market days) or in home shrines.


Beauty Ideals

Oliens don't practice the face painting of the Torga Imperial women, but follow hair styles of the Empire, except in the Free States or wild zones. Men do use khol around the eyes. Men and women will do some face pattern painting for festivals - frequently painting the face of their spirit Patron. They are clean, frequently using hotsprings and bath houses.  Hair is maintained and men will be bearded but kept neat.

Gender Ideals

Oliens have largely adopted Torga Imperial gender ideals, excepting a greater level of equality between men and women :

Quol: women who take male status - no face paint, hair by status+1
Lolak: men who take female role: face paint, hair style by status.
Thirds: genderless or double lolak/ Quol. Also called “ghost” and are not counted or acknowledged.   Sons inherit, then Quol sons, unmarried daughters, wives, brothers,  and finally sisters.
Lolak, and married daughters - have dowry on marriage. No inheritance.
Marriage: Men or Quol may take as many wives as they wish, or have concubines. Lolak and women can only have one marriage partner. Olien Lolak and women may take a more independent stance of Half House rather than a spouse's house when married. Half House may take other spouses so long as they keep a separate dwelling or apartments. Half house women retain parental rights and children chose their House when coming of age at 13. The unmarried are expected to maintain the virtue of themselves and other unmarried - by being discreet, and not getting/ or causing pregnancy. Unmarried pregnancy produces quick marriages or Bastards who are a shame for the family and may be sent out to be raised and adopted by retainers or servants families. Anyone may run the family, though more typically women or lolak look after family, house or clan. The House Key keeper is overseer of the house/ home. Men, Quol or Half Houses typically run business, engage in martial activity or manage more specific details.  The Jarls are the main Clan and go by simply the Totem. Inheritance of rulership is by eldest child- male or female.

Courtship Ideals

Landsmin and Thanes may make romantic or arranged marriages. The nobles typically make arranged political marriages.  Most typically marriages are between moieties within the clan - a North/West marries a South/ East house. Occasionally marriages may occur between clans - more frequently amongst the commoners.  In these cases dowry is paid and children belong to the mother's clan, unless the dowry is returned. This is complicated by Gifting wedding ceremonies and childbirtn celebrations. Divorce is by mutual agreement with the instigator's clan paying a penalty equal to the dowry.

Major organizations

The Clans have Mask Societies that cross the house (numaym) divisions. Mask Societies keep crests and masks related to major clan figures and the Mask of the Clan totem who married a human mortal to found the clan and establish the Jarl's lineage.  Siblings, and other relatives of this marriage form the numaym houses ruled by their Karl.  The Mask society perform dances, tell stories and wear masks of the totem, aspects and associated figures during Giftings. These are run by the noble women of the clan.
The Ghost Dance societies perform at funerals, memorials and seasonal ceremonies.  Each moiety serves the dances and memorials for the other side.  The Ghost houses Ghost dance society of all houses may serve either in Drownedking or Bonegatherer ceremonies, but usually are the only ones to perform in the seasonal ceremonies under the Druids.

Landsmin make up the small land holders and have bonds to the land (mines), waters (fishing), timber (woodsmen), farms, Ice deer and wildlife (hunters). They have rites and secret lore related to these spirits. They are members of the numaym houses under their Karl but are all considered as the main totem. They may participate in the Drownedking and Bonegatherer, the winter or summer, or the Cannibal society

Thanes are civic protectors, scholars, healers and for hire guards. Mages and the Shaman druids are considered Thanes no matter their birth rank. Several Thane Lodges have grown to be regional, provincial and even national. The Thane Lodges possess members of many Clans, and take Totems of legendary creatures.  The Thane mask society is run by women of the Thane lodges.

Thell are free people but unlanded laborers, and crafters. The Craft Lodges are keepers of crafting lore and secrets and are aligned with higher order Maker spirits and elementals. 

Thrall are bond slaves who commit crimes or owe debts and are owned until their term is paid. Slaves are kept of other peoples and imported Beastmen. It is traditional that Thrall slaves from other lands must work 20 years before the slave mark may be burned off.
The Clans have the major Totems and are ruled by the Jarls. The subclans (Numayum) are houses within the greater clan and are limited aspects of the ruling Totem. These are Black (North: The direction to the underworld, and ice.) Blue (West: Cloud and rain), Green ( South: Summer country, home of Totems), Red (east: sunrise and winds). There are also Ghost subclans (White: supernatural) are lowest status but are known as secret keepers and believed to have special spiritual connections.

  Bear: Our own Masters - The Bear is independent, straightforward and determined. They also move between worlds living in the summer and fall, dying in the winter and returning to life in the spring, thin and gaunt.
  Elk: Nobility is in Purpose - The Elk has goals and ambitions. The Elk plows ahead and is not stopped by simple obstacles.
  Hawk: Survey the field - Hawks are strategic, planners and insightful. They consider themselves above lesser concerns.
  Fox: Every path is opportunity - the Fox is resourceful, opportunistic and persistent.
  Snake: My Bite: Wisdom or Death - the snake is insightful, observant and more dangerous than it appears.
  Wolf: The strength of one is the strength of many - The wolf supports the pack and the pack supports the wolf. They build allies and connections.
  Squirrel: Collect and save - the squirrel gathers and stores against future need: wealth, info, supply, connections. The squirrel has a place for everything.
  Otter: Mastery of the Game. The Otter is cunning and slippery, changing direction and wiggling out of narrow spots. To Otter it is all a game and life is for the playing.
  Boar: Refuse no challenge. Boar is not steered or driven and is too proud to concede or decline challenge, or retreat without a fight. The boar digs in and digs up what it desires.
  Hare: Beset by all, here I am. Hare is watchful and alert, wiley and tricky, apt to seem to run away, only to run around. Misdirection is the Hare's strength - none know what they are really doing.
Supernatural Totems are taken by settlements and Thane Orders.
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Articles under Olia

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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