Pelor Character in Chardovia | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

Life, Light

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Everlight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Sun.

Tenets of Faith

"The Great Plan will be revealed and all will be light." - The Chant of Pelor


The Days of Light

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To rid the world of the scourge of undead and to fulfill the principles of the Great Plan. It is said that the culmination of the Plan will be a Great Battle for the fate of all things.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Some believe that Pelor is an aspect of Corellon as they both have connections with the Sun and Light. Others suggested that Pelor is the mortal son of the First Fey and his wife, Selûne. In the human mythology, however, Pelor was one of the heroes that fought Vecna and tried to prevent him from attaining lichdom. Whatever the truth, it is known that Pelor actively guides and blesses his followers. He is the source of power for most heralds of divine power, such as Paladins and Clerics.   Pelor is also credited as the creator of angels and related celestials. These winged messengers and warriors have been documented as appearing during great clashes to turn the tide in favour of the faithful. This is all in aid of fulfilling the Great Plan - an ineffable road-map of destinies devised by Pelor and his brother Janus. It is said that the world is a great test set in motion by the gods. The purpose of this test is not for mere mortals to understand or question.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vanquished Vecna.


Family Ties

Janus, the God of Fate - Brother.
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of the Dawn, Light, Strength, and Healing. Father of Angels. Patron of Paladins and Clerics. Destroyer of Undead.
2037 BI 1982 BI 55 years old

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Cover image: Apollon by Dong Geon Son
Character Portrait image: Paladin by Dong Geon Son


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