Corellon Larethian Character in Chardovia | World Anvil
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Corellon Larethian

Corellon Larethian

Divine Domains

Justice, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blue star

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Corellon Larethian is said to be the first creation of the primordial gods. He was created from the flesh of humans (who evolved naturally like the filthy animals they are) and melded with the matter of the First Gods. He was deemed beautiful and perfect. He was given dominion over his own plane (what would later be known as Ysgard) and Corellon created beautiful things. But, immortality soon brought boredom.


And so it was that the gods gave Corellon his brides: Selûne and Lolth (again the First Gods used mortals from the Material Plane to create them). In some versions of this legend, it was said that the Pelor the Sun God was also created to be his lover, but this has drawn widespread criticism - owing to the fact that Pelor is seen as a human deity.


Together they filled the Feywild with wondrous creations - things far beyond what the First Gods could imagine. It is said that they toyed with the mortal humans on the Prime Material plane and brought about goblinoids, trolls, bugbears, giants, gnomes, dwarfs, and many of the humanoid-like races (and those who would become most of the current pantheon). Again this is disputed by each respective race (they all have their own origin story), but what theologians agree on is that one of their prized creations was the First Orc, Gruumsh.


Gruumsh was a specimen of strength and ferocity - the pinnacle of physical perfection. Corellon proclaimed Gruumsh his son and heir, but such things were not meant to be. It was Lolth, the ambitious, who twisted Gruumsh's soul. She desired dominion over Ysgard herself and schemed to have Corellon and his creation destroy one another. Only the latter worked. Gruumsh challenged Corellon to single combat (the true reason for the fight is a subject of theological study and argument). Corellon plucked out his would-be-son's eye - from it rose the Orcish race. Gruumsh ran his creator through - his blood became the Elfish race.


And so it was that they slayed each other. But Lolth did not get what she wanted, for Selûne - ever-present as the moon - witnessed the entire plot. Using her divine power, Selûne saved Corellon's soul and wove it into the very fabric of the universe. The Goddess of the Moon cast Lolth out and curse her to wither in the light of the sun. (This is why - some argue - Drow only venture onto the surface during new moon). Lolth was banished to the Material Plane where she would become as ugly as her soul.


Gruumsh's soul, on the other hand, survived the ordeal. Crippled and half-blind, it fled to the lower realms where it festered and grew, feeding off the rage that filled Gruumsh's last moments. In some accounts, his soul manifests in the form of the Demon Lord, Orcus.


Family Ties

  • Father of all Elves
  • Selûne, Wife
  • Lolth, Wife
  • Gruumsh, Creation and Adoptive Son


Corellon Larethian

Ex-husband (Trivial)

Towards Lolth




Ex-Wife (Vital)

Towards Corellon Larethian



Legal Status

Severely Divorced

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Father of the Elves, The Protector, God of the Fair and Noble
4588 BI 2038 BI 2550 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Primordial Gods
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Gruumsh and betrayed by Lolth
Crystal Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Cover image: Elf King by Wei Yi Zeng


Author's Notes

This is my own twist on this diety's story. It borrows heavily from the original Forgotten Realms version of this character. I merely change the setting, reduced the number of side characters, and situated it in my world of Chardovia.

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