Wchaxemn Character in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Wchaxemn was a Runar of Yihyaphem. He took his Enoxais people east, and they became the Gchoulems.   Safe from the flood of divine light during the Enlightenment, the Gchoulems for the most part dwelt deep in the frigid cold of the Unending Dun. But a small group of Gchoulems lived further south for a time, and they became enlightened by the sun, and they realised that they could become as powerful as their own Runaric god. So they returned home and shared their knowledge, and Wchaxemn became enraged and imprisoned these Gchoulems for conspiring against him. Other Gchoulems saw Wchaxemn's fear and realised it was true, so they set the imprisoned free and turned against their deity, destroying him and using his parts to begin construction on their own god: Mshunnichu. In his last moments, Wchaxemn had time only to curse the Gchoulems, and he caused them to forsake their mortal flesh and replace it with earthen materials, causing them unending pain. But the Gchoulems still gained divine power, and with this power they created new life in the likeness of mankind called the Uchem; grey-skinned people who were also heartless. And they enslaved the Uchem.   Around this time there lived people called the Worau, and they witnessed a piece of the Monumidium fall and strike a mountain, causing the eruption of Mount Uchioku, which remains active to this day. The Worau worshipped the volcano and adapted to life in the ashlands forming the Charashen religion, and word of this volcano soon spread across Nwechou. The Gchoulems, meanwhile, had trouble bringing their god Mshunnichu to life, for the heart of Wchaxemn had shrivelled. They thought that the power of Mount Uchioku could revive the heart, so they sent Uchem to carry the heart to the volcano. The Uchem lost the heart on the way there, and the Gcharon Blights quickly form around the heart, causing the growth of deadly grass. When they bring this news back to their masters, Gchoulem civilisation falls into disarray. The Uchem take advantage of the chaos and rebel against their masters, fleeing south and escaping the Dun. The Gchoulems divided into three groups: The Bchodgrim of the west who lived deepest in the Dun and became craggy and forgot about their gods, the Shudrim and Fingers of Mshunnichu of the east who continued to try and rebuild Mshunnichu and maintain Gchoulem society, and the Nshim who left the Dun and wandered Ebdypha, seeking purpose elsewhere.
Wchaxemn's remains.


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