God-eaters Organization in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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The God-eaters of the Roaring Jungle live among a collection of clans known as the Dapanam Clans, and are warrior-priests who worship Fybati Reat, a Reliqus Reas. God-eaters aim to make Fybati Reat a true god on par with the Eah by gathering and enslaving the minds of weaker men and feeding them to Fybati Reat. Despite Fybati Reat possessing the bones of Bbatlam, and therefore considerable power, the extent of his influence rarely goes beyond the Roaring Jungle; unlike other Reas, the God-eaters are not well-acclimated to life outside these jungles.
  As well as making Fybati Reat a god, the God-eaters aim to gather all minds beneath the influence of Fybati Reat, believing that it will end the suffering that comes from being an independent conscious being. The more powerful psychics of the order borrow psychic power from Fybati Reat by devouring pieces of him such as slivers of skin, hair, finger or toenail cuttings, blood, or ground up fragments of Bbatlam's bones, and use this great power to overwhelm others and bring them to heel. They believe that, once all minds are one, then everyone will become one god and see and know all things. They see all Reas who live outside the Roaring Jungle as traitors to their cause.


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