Trolls Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil


Yes, even trolls can be used as characters in the newest version of Rolemaster and within the World of Ærnth setting and can sometimes (albeit very rarely) be found walking the streets of the Channel Cities. Most people are already familar with the concept of trolls, however it should be noted that the "regeneration" bit that one particular d20 based RPG system includes has very little mythological basis and as such, that ability is not normally present when using the Rolemaster system. But, due to their sheer size and other abilities, they can still be very capable as a combat oriented character, although they will have penalties in the area of social skills and a few other areas as per the balancing system used by Rolemaster.   While they are not recommended as a character within this setting, if someone really feels that they would like to play a Troll type of character then it is certainly possible, as long as they realize that they will be at a serious social and societal disadvantage.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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