Plynos Species in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil


The Plynos, beings with a humanoid body, but the head of a regal buck or a lithe doe and a natural gracefulness. They are an extremely rare and reclusive race of beings. They are another race of beings that has existed within the Rolemaster system for quite some time and as such are also available as characters within the World of Ærnth and can sometimes be found walking the streets of the Channel Cities. As such, they will not be detailed here as they fall under the Rolemaster copyright, so I strongly encourage anyone who has an interest in playing a Plynos character to check them out in the Rolemaster system.   If the Plynos have a native Language, it is not widely known about or shared, as they are happy to learn the languages of others and tend to fluently speak whatever language is common to the area in which they live.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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