Monkin-ban Species in Challaria | World Anvil


A subspecies of the Monkin, the Monkin-ban are typically taller and more slender than their cousins the Monkin-doo.  Unlike their cousins they are characterised by a lack of facial hair, though this may begin to appear in old age, and are happy spending time above ground. Although they, too, delve, their diggings are shallower and seldom cut deeply into the living rock.   Though nowadays they are mostly to be found in the hilly areas of Tarusia, as well as the lower slopes and valleys of the great mountain ranges, there are also populations of them in the flatter provinces, on the plains of the Tambic Rides and in the forests of Morroth. Overall their range and numbers are similar to those of the Monkin-doo having suffered similar changes to their population and circumstances following the arrival of humans to Tarusia.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Despite their small size they grow relatively slowly, bodies reaching adult size around 20 years and achieving reproductive maturity around 30. They are shorter lived than the Monkin-doo, with the oldest reaching around 120 though there are known cases and tales of occasional survivors to 150 when supported by family and community.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The society of the Monkin-ban is largely based on groups of related families occupied largely by agriculture. Most will spend much of their day engaged in such activities for they like nothing better than working up an appetite by providing themselves with the means to satiate it. These family groups are generally quite clannish and insular though most males will move between groups at least once in their lifetimes. This mobility means that most of the clans are matriarchal though this is not always the case especially when a clan falls into serfdom under the Monkin-doo.   Individual clans may be scattered as individual farmsteads or clustered into villages but grow no more in urban sophistication than a village with perhaps 3 or 4 professional crafters or artisans. Most clans are linked to clans of the Monkin-doo, with the relationship being varied (see The Monkin-doo and the Monkin-ban). Occasionally individuals may be found in human towns but these are exceptions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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