Dreors Species in Certos | World Anvil
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"Ant alan muharib, ahm sharfik, waihtaram al'umhat, wa'ajib ealaa muhamiy!" - Chieftain Hasif
Quote in Dreorish means: "Now you are warrior, Protect your honor, respect the Mothers and submit to mine and the Counsels will".

Basic Information


Humanoids with strong jaws and fangs, green skin, black hair, and normally yellow eyes. Two arms and legs, ten fingers and ten toes. Dreors are taller and stronger than the average human.

Biological Traits

The average male Dreor is three times stronger than a female..

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Fangs and bigger jawbone.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Dreors define a huge jawbone as attractive. The bigger the tusks, the more attractive you are.

Relationship Ideals

The Dreors don't marry as others do. They are matched by the Chieftain. The Chieftain determined who belongs to whom. And the desition is for life, or as long as the Chieftain remains as chieftain, whatever comes first. Dreors don't believe in love. They believe in respect, honor, and reproduction.

Common Dress Code

There is no special dress code among dreors, only the once identifying what tribe you belong to, determined by the Tribe Chieftain.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

There are no gender ideals. The culture roles are determined on the individual's strength. If the individual is able to lift a certain amount of weight and hold it for an hour, then the individual regardless of gender is permitted to wield weapons and do heavy liftings. If the individual, regardless of gender fails to lift it, or drops the weight before the hour is at the end, they become part of the gathering and support group.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Some dreorish tribes, like Ghaywr and Qalaq practice Dreor sacrifices once every ten years. A warrior and a gatherer are selected by throwing the dices to be laid down on an altar and stabbed to death in the backs by the tribe at night when the children sleep. These tribes do this in remembrance of their ancestors, Hasif and Freiya's fate and a way to ease the bloodlust against other races.   The Dreorish tribe Fakhur had a bloodlust party in the middle of Madinat Albahr where this tribe invited other Dreorish tribes, like Mahjur into a gory gladiatorian war game to determen whose tribe has the strongest warriors.

Historical Figures

Hasif, the first Dreor.

Common Myths and Legends

A long time ago before recorded time, the Dreor tribes freely dwelled in Eldar. According to the legend, the first Dreor, Hasif, was a son of a human and a mermaid. He was a beautiful child, and he got green skin because of his mother's green hair and fish scales. But since some other mermaids were jealous, Hasif was cursed with terrible dark magic. Hasif killed his parents, only 7 years old, and were driven into the forests by the shinobi clan he once called home. He learned to live on his own, as a beast, a nameless fear.   Years later, when he was an adult, he encountered a nymph at the western seaside of the Eldar. This nymph was the first creature in Hasif life that was not afraid of him. He learned to come back to his senses again and trained to seek revenge. Revenge against the mermaid who cured him to be this tall, green monster, feared by any creature, and human.   The legend tells that Hasif were never able to revenge on the mermaid. He and the nymph Freiya became the ancestors to all Dreors. They got 18 children, every child became father or mother to each and every tribe of Dreors. The Curse of Dreor made even the female offspring with the nymphs dreors.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Horrific Sapiens
150 years
Average Height
1,9-2,5 meters
Average Weight
70-120 kg
Average Physique
Most of the dreors tend to be strong and have big muscles.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The dreors got their green skin from a mermaid's green fish scale.

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  • 545 BF

    13 hisad
    540 BF

    10 muetadil 500:00

    Construction of Madinat Albahr
    Construction beginning/end

    The Dreorish tribe Fakhur build up their proud city.

    Oath City
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    Oath City
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  • 434 BF

    6 bard 500:00
    434 BF

    6 bard 2100:00

    The Battle of Madinat Albahr
    Military action

    Many shinobi tribes joined together to deal with the Dreorish tribe Fakhur. The Invasion was a success and the shinobi wiped out every dreor they could find.

    Oath City
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    Oath City
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  • 432 BF

    12 bard 445:00

    Dreors discovers the caves of Alkuhuf

    The dreorish tribe of Mahjur was expelled from the dreorish community and was driven to the east from the dreorish highlands on the other side of Dragon Rocks. they went into the forests int heir shame. And by accident one little boy from the tribe discovered some caves in the middle of the forest. But it was inhabited by werebears. A battle between Mahjur tribe and the werebears flowed for two days before the werebears fleed and left the caves. The survivors of the Mahjur tribe gave the caves its dreorish name, Alkuhuf.

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  • 300 BF

    15 muetadil 1230:00
    250 BF

    4 wast 1400:00

    Political event
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  • 250 BF

    8 harb 1457:00
    241 BF

    24 hari 1235:00

    Construction of Alfidat Alshamalia
    Construction beginning/end

    Alfidat Alshamalia was constructed as a symbol of prosperity and peace in Dreorland. It took the tribes 9 years to complete the creation of the city.

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  • 20 BF

    7 thalaja 100:00

    Valdars comes to Eldercrest
    Population Migration / Travel

    After hundreds of years at sea with no land, the blond and blue-eyed naval folk sat their feet on Eldar soil and came to stay.

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  • 10 BF

    10 wast 1100:00

    The Ten years war of Eldar
    Military action

    Valders starting invasion war.

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  • 2 AF

    27 muetadil

    The Dreors leave Eldar / Destruction of Madinat Albahr
    Population Migration / Travel

    The last Dreors aboard the last ship sees Madinat Albahr burn into ash and their tribal warriors tasked to cover their escape beheads at the wall, and is put on spikes, forever watching the seas and guarding the deserted city.


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