Rosehall Settlement in Ceramet | World Anvil
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Fonta Piusennius crossed her arms and watched the fishing boats coming in for the day. She sponsored nearly half of these fisherfolk, taking a cut of their profits and in return providing them equipment, repairs, and stability in times of turmoil. Fonta smiled: several of her ships rode low in the water, meaning good catches today. From over her shoulder, a man cleared his throat. "Excuse me, miss. You're needed at the store."   Fonta exhaled before turning to face this new annoyance. No words were needed, just a single raised eyebrow. Everyone knew that this was her time to relax, watching the ships. She was a merchant of some success, with many holdings around the city. Fish and pipe weed: the lifeblood of Rosehall, and the source of much of her wealth.   As she began to follow him away from the docks, she absently glanced at The Larkspur moored at a nearby dock. She made a mental note to speak to the merchants that arrived today, and also to attend the Hazy Petal Inn. She had heard that the entertainers that arrived with the ship were better than the average fare around here. She realized that her companion was talking to her and she turned back to him, but noticed something strange over his shoulder. Men, made of metal, pouring out of the city hall building!  
Rosehall was a simple town in the nation of Karrnath, until the day it was overrun by a warforged army from the Mournland. Shortly thereafter, it was the site of the decimation of the Chain of Avalas.   Before all of this bloodshed and violence, the village was fairly peaceful, despite living so near to the Mournland. The surrounding land provided good soil, particularly for pipeweed and hops. These, along with the meat and scrimshaw from Cyrian trout, were the main exports of this town.

Industry & Trade

Cyrian trout (for meat and scrimshaw)   "Rosehall Red" pipeweed


  • Rosehall
    Rosehall was a simple town in the nation of Karrnath, until the day it was overrun by a warforged army from the Mournland. Shortly thereafter, it was the site of the decimation of the Chain of Avalas.   Before all of this bloodshed and violence, the village was fairly peaceful, despite living so near to the Mournland. The surrounding land provided good soil, particularly for pipeweed and hops. These, along with the meat and scrimshaw from Cyrian trout, were the main exports of this town.
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