Vein Warden Rank/Title in Cenorad | World Anvil
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Jul 2, 2020 07:50

How do they perform these grisly duties? What kind of genetics are they looking for? Do they analyse samples that people come and leave, do they go out and get them?   How are they viewed by everyone in their society? Not too great, I would guess. Have there been any riots, uprisings, resistance? Is there any currently going on? :)   Great stuff - all too easy to see how something like this might develop in a fantasy setting with very real paralells in our own world too. Grim indeed.   Good luck with Summer Camp!

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 3, 2020 16:25 by Sloqush

Happy to hear you liked it Q :D   As for your questions, the Warden mostly take their sample from still gestating Miwa, given that Imperial Strain Miwa are essentially artificial "humans" that are produced in large cloning facilities (the House of Vases mentioned in the article is such a facility).   As for their public reputation, the Wardens are naturally very feared by the Empire's citizens, but this is not only due to their grisly duties but also due fact that meeting a Warden outside of a cloning facility indicates recent or imminent Muli'he activity, which is a bad thing, to say the least.   Think of a fully decked hazmat unit suddenly rolling up to your backyard and you get the idea how it feels if the Wardens show up.   There also haven't really been any major resistances against the Warden's work as the Mulie'he are just that scary (If you know of the SCP Foundation, think of an entire species composed of SCP-106).   That's all I currently have about the Wardens yet once Summer Camp is over I am certainly going to flesh out the article a bit more :D   Thanks again for the inspiring questions and happy Summer Camping Q!

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Jul 3, 2020 16:39

Happy summer camp, buddy <3

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 8, 2020 15:30

Interesting (and scary) people!   I have a question: why do they have so much work? If they are "just" testing blood, and have access to all citizens, samples, etc... How come their work is so exhausting and takes them so much time? (I get the psychological toll of the work, I am more interested in the apparent amount and time required for the work).

Jul 8, 2020 16:14 by Sloqush

Firstly even a single Gem-Light-Test takes quite a lot of time to complete, as the Wardens are essentially performing X-Ray crystallography WITHOUT the help of a computer, so each test has to be repeated several times to compensate for user errors and miscalculations.   Secondly, each test also has to always be performed by at least two Wardens independently from each other, in order to limit the chance for a false negative result, as this could have potentially disastrous consequences.   Thirdly there are just a lot of people to test, given that just the Empires capital of An Hylaria has a population numbering in the tens of millions.

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Jul 8, 2020 16:50

I see... Thanks for answering.   How long have they been doing this? Are there any chances of improving their tech? Given how relevant it is to their culture, it'd make sense that they would push for improvements that would help them avoid errors.

Jul 8, 2020 22:40 by Sloqush

The Vein Wardens are a relatively young organization, so such technology has yet to be invented.   Though given that the Empire's alchemical technology is mostly developed by a bunch of insane lunatics this might take a while, especially if one wants a calculator that doesn't double as a landmine.   Anyway, if a fitting prompt comes around this summer camp I might further expand on the technology used by the Wardens.

Author of Cenorad ; a bleak-dark sandbox of creativity.
Jul 9, 2020 07:25

Cool, looking forward to it!