Ember Vialbeard Character in Cathrea | World Anvil

Ember Vialbeard

First Elder Ember Vialbeard

Personal Attribute: Experimental Doctor

Derived from the Earthen Element, the Experimental Doctor is a skill that, when activated, summons a ghostly figure, resembling a random animal, which greatly helps with experimental procedures like alchemical mixtures, wildlife tinkering or medicinal production.
Experimental Doctor comes with a huge physical strain and can only be maintained for around 60 minutes, depending on the mental strength and Rank the caster posesses.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The slender Ember Vialbeard wears a proud persona in public. His skinny statue and serious expression, which always shows traces of a smile, make him appear as a model merchant.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ember Vialbeard, born in the Zvaarian city of Itavyien, was raised in the merchant Shining Moon Family. Growing up, he did not particularely want to become a trader, and instead wanted to tend to nature and live out his dream of becoming a gardener. His family however pushed him to become a salesman and offered him a deal:
Work for the family Ember, you have such great talents. Bring honor and wealth to the ones closest to you, we'll even let you play with your animals for work. You just have to... make them better. If you can promise us that, you will have all the freedom you want. You can even build your own garden, just as you always wanted.
— Embers mother

So the little boy accepted the deal, not knowing what hole he just jumped into. A void, consuming his humanity, ethics and love over time. He started to seriously look into scriptures of nature, tinkering with various plants and small animals. Along the way, he created some truly disturbing creatures, like a purple frog with really fragile skin, resulting in constant pain for the poor animal. Plants withered, animals died, and all for the sake of this little boys dream garden.
I am sorry my friends, but I will make it up to you sooner or later. I love you guys!
— Ember Vialbeard at 14 years of age

At the age of seventeen, Ember moved away from small creatures to wild beasts the size of wolves. Horrible experiments were conducted, killing off several hundreds of wildlife in the process. At this point, ethics and humanity started to crumble. All his experiments of turning cows into hydra-like beasts showed promising results however. At the age of twenty, the young salesman was not only renowned with his bargaining skills, but also created his very first Shone Moon Centipede, the creation he would be most famous for. Although he now was destined to gain wealth, his love for animals would dwindle, blinded by the shining golden light of coins.
I did it, this is... perfection. Mother will be so proud and my garden would finally bloom in bright colors!
— Ember Vialbeard at 20 years of age

In the present time, all this has been forgotten. Ember, the one to revolutionize the logging, mining and transportation professions, is praised by his customers and benefactors. His past is all but forgotten, yet his journey leaves only corpses and feelings behind.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Finding a way to produce Shone Moon Centipedes in fast rates is Ember Vialbeards biggest achievement. This brought him the First Elder seat in the familys hierarchy. On top of that, he also participated in numerous experiments and released products.

Mental Trauma

Ember Vialbeard was forced to hire an elementalist specializing in the psychic element as sleeping aid. Even when he finally falls asleep, he always has the same dream about a b█████ f██████ and an encounter with a maiden wrapped in silver jade cloth. Behind her, only the void and endless... red... eyes await.
1497 AAP 1575 AAP 78 years old
hazel grown
straight, grey, shoulder long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
porcelan white
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: by ecl1psed


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