Cathedris Themesong

Yuai Do

Combat art of the graceful and the patient

It's about waiting, watching, and in the right moment... striking.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner
  Yuai Do is a graceful combat art guided by ideals of patience and counteractions, based on the movements of the God-husk Miyu. Miyu is one of the most broken God-husks -- during the war she was decapitated, and her body remains standing in the place of her death, gently swaying in an invisible breeze. Practitioners of Yuai Do and followers of Miyu watch the God-husk and study her movements, believing them to be patterns and poses, and base the movements of their own combat art off of them.    

Power in Patience

The main core principle of Yuai Do is one of patience and flexibility. This is taken directly from observing Miyu herself -- the God-husk stands at the ready, but flexible. She has her feet planted as if she were about to strike, but in such a way that she still bends and sways in smooth motions. Her feet never move during this swaying -- the rest of her moves in graceful arcs while she remains standing in the exact same spot.
Those who lead the schools of Yuai Do have spent decades of their life watching Miyu, and studying her movements. They record them in scrolls called Chantha, which they fiercely guard from outsiders, yet share among the other schools. Many of the Chantha show similar movements, as all are created through observing Miyu, but the recordings may vary based on the observers angle of observation, imagination, or prior ideals.  
You must be strong, but flexible. Strength and determination in your feet, planted firmly but ready to move.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner
The main physical principles of Yuai Do follow these movements. Users of the art will have their upper body constantly moving, never standing still, in graceful arcs. They will rotate and bend their torso to the full extent that they can, with arms drifting along like leaves floating in the wind; thus flexibility is key for anyone pursuing Yuai Do.    

Decisive Action

For 95% of the time, Miyu sways gently -- but for that final 5%, she enters a frenzied rage, striking and attacking at invisible foes that only she is aware of in the broken remains of her consciousness. Some believe it's merely Miyu stuck reliving fragments of memories of her combative days, but followers of Yuai Do believe she is setting an example for them to follow. It's the second half of the core principles of Yuai Do -- striking at the opportune moment.  
During the period of grace and calm, a practitioner of Yuai Do must remain alert and study their opponent closely, watching every movement. Each attack from their opponent is easily countered with flexible, swaying movements --blows are deflected to the side into the thin air. This helps to frustrate, and tire out the opponent, so that eventually they over-extend or make a mistake; this is where Yuai Do says one should strike. The mistake must be capitalized on, and the counter strike must be quick, fierce, and decisive.  
Now, while they have extended beyond their capability, we strike.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner

Miyu and Hansun

Before her death, the goddess Miyu was known as the Graceful Goddess of Combat. She had a close relationship with her followers, the people who would eventually form the country of Hansun, and many of their ideals come from this time. Patience, excellence in combat, and perseverance are all qualities that the people of Hansun hold dear to themselves.  
Armed and Unarmed
Yuai Do can be practiced with, or without weapons. Beginners and non-violent practitioners will mostly practice unarmed Yuai Do, focusing more on the peace of mind and tranquility that the gentle swaying movements provide. Those who take Yuai Do into the realm of actual combat and defense will often times use weapons. Just as with Miyu, spears are the weapon of choice -- beginner and intermediate students will practice with just one spear, but once someone ascends to the level of master, they begin to practice Yuai Do with two.  
The spear itself may be rigid, but do not think of it as inflexible, think of it as an extension of your swaying and drifting arms. The spear must move through the air gracefully, during all parts of combat.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner

Everyday Philosophies

The core principles of Yuai Do of patience, flexibility, and striking in the opportune moment have applications in more than just combat. Those who partake in the art work them into every aspect of their daily lives; patience and flexibility, making up the majority of movements in Yuai Do, become the most important personal philosophies as well. Many of the most well studied practitioners will become the most easy going, kindly people. Any insults, personal slights, or hard-times are deflected just as one might deflect a blow during the swaying period of combat.  
However just as in physical combat, when the opportunity presents itself, someone trained in Yuai Do will attack during social combat with decisive action. Often times this takes takes the form of a a perfect counter-argument formed during their opponents tirade, or as a well timed rebuttal that stops someone's train of thought cold. Occasionally these social strikes are saved for later, where they are unveiled with such grandeur that it often causes the social death of whoever was unfortunate enough to be targeted.
Listen, and watch. Pay attention to what they are saying, and don't let your emotions cloud your judgement. Look for flaws in their logic, pay attention to the way their emotions seep into what it is they are saying.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner

Network of Schools

Most schools that study and teach Yuai Do are open and willing to share information with each other. Ideas, theories, and training regiments all get traded from one school to another, as each school has the same core subject to study -- Miyu.   Still, some schools will try to keep some secrets in the endless hunt for prestige among their peers. Some Chantha are locked away, secret to all but the top members of the particular school, as they are believed to contain secret movements and poses that have not been witnessed by any other living person.

It's the ultimate movement, with no possible counter. Now, die.
— Lihyung Manu, Yuai Do practitioner


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Dec 31, 2020 20:36 by Morgan Biscup

I remember you mentioning Yuai Do before and I am so excited it now has its own article. It's everything I hoped it would be.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 1, 2021 19:11 by Stormbril

<3 Thank you so much! It took a long time to finally get around to writing it, but I'm so happy it turned out good :D

Jan 1, 2021 10:18 by Avalon Arcana

This could be a real thing its so well detailed and thought out. Wow!

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jan 1, 2021 19:12 by Stormbril

Thank you! I'm really happy to hear that! :D We just need to find a 400m tall headless god-like zombie in real life now, and we can make it happen! ;D

Jan 1, 2021 16:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww I love this - the scrolls wrapping around the article look so pretty. This sounds like it would be quite a nice way of life to embrace.

Jan 1, 2021 19:13 by Stormbril

Thank you, Emy! :) I had fun adding the scrolls. I think the majority of people living in Hansun agree with that sentiment, and probably most practice some form of Yuai Do!

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