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The Royal Guard of Isendree

The Royal Guard of Isendree is in charge of guarding all members of the Isendreen Royal Family. Their main duty is to guard the king, queen, and all of their children at all hours of the day, no matter where they go. The guard is over one thousand strong and includes several female-only divisions, though these women are not the only ones in the guard and medical staff.   The main body of the guard lives at the palace in Kiara. The rest of the guard is scattered across the country guarding various nobles. A few contingents are stationed in other countries to guard nobles living in other countries, but these guards are often very small and are supplemented with mercenaries from the country the nobles reside in.   Being a member of the Royal Guard, and the guard itself is greatly romanticized by the Isendreens. While it is true that it is the most honored position in the military, it is a lot of work to be able to join the guard much less to be a member. The guard is always active, and its members get very few holidays because of how exclusive the recruiting is.



Members of the Royal Gaurd come are the best of the best and are promoted from other branches of Isendree's military. They are occasionally recruited directly to the guard and receive all of their training there but this is extremely rare. This typically only happens in military families. For example, although Captain Ellil Viteri's father was not in the military, because of Viteri's great service and ability, his son could be directly recruited to the Royal Gaurd. This rule does not only apply to the children of famous soldiers it also applies to families who have shown great intellect, skill, or strength.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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