Irewage Species in Cameryth | World Anvil
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A type of small, flowery shrub. The leaves are grey green in colour, small, but oblong. Flower stalks grow from the centre of the shrub and stand several inches taller than the parent shrub, growing tall spires of sweet-smelling pink flowers. Other varieties may have their flowers range from orange to yellow in coloration.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

The irewage plant takes several years to grow to full size from a seed, ranging anywhere between 3 and 5 years before flowers blossom. Pruning any part of the plant before the first flowering is an almost surefire way to kill it, or at the least stunt its growth. However, pruning the plant back to almost the root after it has flowered at least twice will actually not harm the plant and it will begin to regrow its stems within a month, reaching full size in a mere 2-4 year range. Dedicated farmers of the plant will make a practice of cycling large prunings with several plants to maximize harvest yields.   The plant flowers for three weeks during summer. It goes dormant during late autumn and winter, shedding its leaves to allow new growth in spring. During spring, irewage stores excess water in its roots to prepare for the dry summer and flowering.

Ecology and Habitats

Irewage grows in temperate mountainous regions, preferring well-drained and rocky soils. It will not grow near streams.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The entirety of the plant can be brewed into healing potions with various methods of preparation, however it is important to note that the root will become poisonous when boiled. As such, it is common to simply leave the root behind to allow new growth.   Water leftover from steeping the flowers of the plant is commonly used to colour and flavour sweets in some households, and the leaves purportedly also make an energizing herbal tea.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Irewage can be found growing in temperate mountainous regions, but is most commonly found in Crecia and some parts of Lumin . Migrants from these countries have brought clippings of irewage over to Finnaden , where it has begun to flourish as well.
Average Height
2.5 - 3.2 meters tall


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