The Legion of the Betrayed Organization in Calradia | World Anvil

The Legion of the Betrayed

The Last Legion was created after the Emperor Aristarcos enacted his reforms, abolishing the last of the Empire's standing legions in favor of archon's and governor's private legions that were significantly cheaper and better at controlling territory. The Legion is made up of men and women who detested this change: they loved the old army, its standards and its unit histories and its camp life, and they blame the new system for leading to the downfall of the empire. But an army does not hold together unless it is paid regularly, and they take contracts from imperial and foreign lords alike.   They still believe in the re-unification of the empire, but do not align with any of the current imperial factions. Instead, they offer their services for fees, and use the fees to raise more troops. They hope one day to fight for a united empire that will value a professional standing army.    They are also extremely religious, believing that theirs is a holy mission to return the empire to it's former glory from the age of the crusades.

For The Empire, and Saint Alesia

Military, Mercenary Group
Parent Organization


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