The Boneyard Geographic Location in Calradia | World Anvil

The Boneyard

the Boneyard may be one of the most aptly named locations on the continent, as it is indeed a sea of the bones of ancient creatures. Noone knows from whence these remains came, or how they ended up here, but they sit amongst the sand, bleaching and slowly retreating below the ground year by year. Some tribes, and creatures have learned how to live amongst the bones, and even make their homes from them. The Boneyard is thus a wide wasteland that is incredibly dangerous to traverse.    There are rumors of a land of plenty South of it, but these stories have never been confirmed, as none has ventured too far South into the boneyard and come back alive. Those who do come back say that there is nothing worth finding, and would rather sail into the Leviathan's sea than attempt the trek again.    The most dangerous of the creatures of the Boneyard are giant scorpions, the size of a fully grown man, that can tear people in half with their claws, and that have poisons strong enough to kill someone in minutes. On numerous occasions, necromancers have made their homes here, using the bones to create armies of undead skeletons and creatures. All these attempts have been eventually foiled, but the defenders of Razih always keep a wary eye to the South.
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