Omor Settlement in Calradia | World Anvil


Omor sits on the Western shores of the Nordic Sea. Long before the Tsardom of the Vaegirs formed themselves into a principality it was a holy site for the forest tribes of the ancient Battanians, who worshipped their gods and ancestors in the sacred oak trees of the nearby woods. Today, it is an emporium for fur trappers and woodsmen who prowl the Icaran Wildlands to the West, and the primeval peace of the forests is drowned out by the sounds of bartering, saws, and the unloading of ships at the lake nearby.   It is also from here that the land raiders of the Vaegirs gather before venturing South. All of the sieges of Gersegos and Caprera have originated from here. For those Vaegirs looking to gain wealth and glory in raiding, this is either the beginning of their saga, or the beginning of the end.    The City is fortified, but not in a way comparable to the fortress cities of The Western Calradian Empire. The Vaegirs prefer to take the battles to their enemies, and view hiding behind walls as cowardly (that is, if they even had the engineering prowess to build good ones). Because of this, the wals of Omor are only about 15ft. tall, topped with a wooden pallisade. This city is built into a crag in the earth, and so has some natural protection from both attackers and the elements.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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