Gersegos Settlement in Calradia | World Anvil


Gersegos, Also known as "The Bastion of the North", is a massive castle-town complex that is intended to defend the main Northern land access to the Western Calradic Heartland. It was built shortly after the division of the empire, but since has had massive amounts of resources poured into it by Emperor Ariminius Comnenos. Today it is an imposing fortress, and alongside Caprera to it's East, forms a multi-point defence line against attacks from the Tsardom of the Vaegirs  or The Battanian Confederacy. Gersegos has a number of smaller fortresses surrounding it the the East and West, Gersegos was just chosen as the supply and command hub for all of these.   The town and Gersegos is largely military, but civilian merchants and artisans have flocked to it, as the amount of money to be made in supplying the soldiers is immense. In addition, numerous taverns have popped up in the town to supply soldiers on leave with somewhere to stay, something to drink, and some company. This has actually fueled an explosion of agriculture around the Castle, to produce enough food for the troops and enough grain for the breweries. The Gersegos brewers have become famous over the last few decades, as no patron is more discerning about their drink than a thirsty soldier.   Unfortunately not all is bright in Gersegos as it is still a military installation and, especially in the times, the wars bring their toll to the gates of the castle frequently. Many refugees seek shelter within it's walls, and thus crime has grown in the town, forcing the military governor to build a wall separating the Keep and barracks from the main town.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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