Rune Stone Building / Landmark in Calradia | World Anvil
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Rune Stone

Powerful and imposing monoliths dedicated to powerful emporers

Standing 14 feet high in a 5 foot radius ring of ankle high rocks is a monolithic stone, almost entirely engraved with red dimly glowing runes. At the base of the monolith is a bounty of flowers: daybloom, silverthorn, fireblossom, and moonglow.
These monoliths are mysterious and impossibly ancient, they dot the world seemingly at random. They always exist at places their patron deems important, such as the Hestra stone in Whitetail Woods, the Reman stone outside Morihaus' Blessing, and the Magnus stone embedded in Farsight.   Each stone has different writings, but will always bear a sigil of their patron. Each grants their own boon to the worthy based on their patron, and may grant permanent blessings to brave and good willed heroes of great renown; the gift may also vary depending on the needs of the individual being blessed.
Monument, Large

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