Arthur Magnus Character in Calradia | World Anvil
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Arthur Magnus

Legacy and dynasty

The Magnus dynasty was filled with wise sages and well learned bureaucrats, though those with the ability to wield the collective knowledge of the empire during this era found themselves seeking to preserve their hold on leadership no matter the cost. The last four of Magnus's decedents fell to this path and used their magical prowess to transform themselves into liches; they would each rule for almost 400 years, only to be usurped by the next and keeping what remained of the empire Magnus had united locked in turmoil and growing ever isolationist as each ruler steadily lost their sanity and focused inwards, as liches are oft to do.   The last of the Magnus dynasty, Agmar, ruled over a fractured empire filled with unrest and distrust; the perfect breeding ground for rebellion and a firm mistrust of undead.

An ancient and long dead ruler who rose to power during the Starfall. He challenged numerous dragons to duels over cities, and was the emperor whom reunited the fractured Empire an age after the Hestran Empire.

Current Location
Beyond the veil
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Magnus heraldry & rune
The heraldry is typically displayed on a circular shield with a azure field and a gules bend, featuring a gold griffon in full. The Magnus rune depicts a rampant golden griffon with arcs of azure lightning lancing from it's claws to the edge of the rune, forming a circle around it.

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