Adam Reman Character in Calradia | World Anvil
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Adam Reman

The Holy Crusader, founder of the Reman Dynasty which reunited the continent 600 years before the cataclysm and built an empire of conquest across the world. His most famous champion, Pelinial, was the apex of his archetypical crusader.

An ancient and long dead ruler who began his reign during the Time of Troubles. After overthrowing the previous Magnus dynasty, he established the Reman dynasty and spread the influence of the Empire across the world in a great crusade. His dynasty ruled until the Calamity with the Empire in stagnation.

Current Location
Beyond the veil
Due to his deeds and conquests, the name Reman means "Light of Man" in multiple languages.   If the context is revered or reviled varies between languages.
Reman heraldry
Typically depicted on a dwarven style shield with a sable field and gules quarterly division over an argent cross. Depicted in full are winged angelic beings, although an argent cherub's head with displayed wings is most common. The Reman rune depicts an argent displayed winged humanoid wreathed in a halo of gold; more elaborate designs often paint the areas outside with azure as homage to Reman "pushing back the darkness".

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