Amelia Hestra Character in Calradia | World Anvil
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Amelia Hestra

Per aspera ad astra

The first non-Alessian ruler after the Dawn Era. Hestra technically ruled for thousands of years through the manipulation of time referred to as a "Dragon Break".   While not exactly known how, Hestra founded the Alessian Order to achieve and maintain the break for as long as possible.

An ancient and long dead ruler who reigned after the Dawn Era. She technically ruled the longest of any single emperor, 5000 years, by being the only mortal to create and sustain a Dragon Break, but due to the warped nature of non-linear time also only lasted an instant.

Current Location
Beyond the veil
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Hestra heraldry
All remaining examples of Hestran heraldry exist on elegant and powerful magic shields; they depict a york rose with a rainbow lenticular style pattern in full on a purpure field and a gold per saltire division. The Hestran rune depicts a dragon coiled around an hourglass, holding a sword embedded vertically within the hourglass.

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