Omenseekers Organization in Calmóran | World Anvil


The secret organization known as the Omenkeepers is an old calling that has existed in one form or fashion since the Age of Magic or before, but has taken its place now as a kind of religious sect. The location is known only to those a part of the monastery that houses it or those who travel the more dangerous paths of the Ristahón Bluffs surrounding Lake Solace and overlooking the Forest of Graves.


The Omenseekers are made up of three main sects, though these sects often overlap for its members so it would be more accurate to refer to them as "callings".
  The priests of the organization are the mortal leadership. They act as the mouthpieces of spirits and councel both the living and the dead in order to gain information and to assist in restless spirits moving on. The more specialized priests are taught ancient rituals used to contact psychopomps and reapers to gain information and communicate missions from the agents of death. While most in the organization are in some way devout toward the ideas of death - be they the doctrine of a deity of death, the concept of death and the natural order, or the scraps of knowledge still retained from Death before the rise of Nerull - the priests are the most devout and closest to the inner workings of death and the afterlife.
  The Omenseeker hunters specialize in the tracking, study, and dispatching of undead and those who would wield the power of necromancy. Often, these members range from the monastery for years at a time as they seek out necromantic threats. They are known for their specialized skill at dispatching undead and the ones who raise them and for keeping record and knowledge of outbreaks and techniques to defeat more grand foes. This sect was formed from the remnant knowledge of ancient ancestors of a line of hunters of undead from the Age of Heralds when vampiric castles dotted the regions and the lords of those castles acted as overlords.
  The last sect of the Omenseekers are the most brutal and straight-forward of the organizaton. Assassins of the Omenseekers are specialized killers taught to seek the means by which a spirit holds on and remove it. This often includes the killing of people or creatures who have performed some deed toward the restless spirit that anchors them to the mortal plane. They could be called upon to kill a murderer or small group of killers who have caused souls to become restless, but it would be misleading to state that only the most vile of people are targetted by these assassins of death. They are called on sparingly as to not upset the balance or invite new restless spirits into the Veil, and when not on a more focused mission, often share a part of their job with the hunters or priests.  


The true leadership lies in the hands of the most ancient of psychopomps, the Reapers. Reapers served Death in ancient times before the rise of necromancy and Nerull, and though they are few, disparate, and disconnected, a select few have taken to guiding the Omenseekers when necessary, holding to the ideals of Death, the original god of the natural order.
Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
Liminal Path


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Jul 4, 2023 15:11

Oh! This looks interesting! Good luck in summer camp!

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