Jason Calhoun Character in Calmarendi | World Anvil

Jason Calhoun

Jennifer's election agent.


Jason Calhoun does not exist in the real timeline but perhaps the person he once was did and in that timeline lived out a blameless existence.

Personal Data

Full Name

Jason Erwin Calhoun

This is certainly not the name on his birth certificate but it is the only name anyone currently knows him by.

Alternative and Previous Name(s)

Whoever Jason had once been, that person has long since vanished from the face of the Earth. Perhaps his name languishes yet on some missing persons’ list; perhaps he faked his own death, who knows? Jason’s former identity and the method of his leaving it behind remain generally undefined. Many and varied, since then, have been the identities of Jason Calhoun or whatever it is that he calls himself.

Date of Death


Place of Death

The Twin Peaks Robotics and Genetics Institute, Va

Circumstances of Death

Once too often in his sorry life, he insulted someone he ought not to have insulted.


Character ID
013 (jasoncalhoun)
Gender Identity
Date of Death
777-7-03-1 (Today)

Articles under Jason Calhoun


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