Dawn Primarolo: Personal History in Calmarendi | World Anvil

Dawn Primarolo: Personal History

Political Position(s)

Dawn Primarolo was elected to Parliament at the 1987 General Election, representing the Bristol South constituency. She was selected as the Labour candidate there after the local party --- controversially --- deselected its sitting MP, Michael Cocks, a move seen by some as having been orchestrated by former Bristol MP Tony Benn in order to get his acolyte Primarolo installed into a safe seat. To what extent Benn was actually involved at a personal level is, perhaps, debatable. Likewise for Jennifer who, whilst presumably well aware of what was going on, would not, necessarily, have been in a position to exert that much direct influence in the matter, not least because she had her own selection in Athershaw North to think about. That said, the ward Jennifer represents on the City Council is currently undefined; if it is a ward within the Bristol South constituency (and there is no reason why it would not be) she might have held more sway with local activists than might otherwise be supposed; she would likely have become very well acquainted with Primarolo at that time were this the case.

Now, assuming Jennifer's intervention in Primarolo's selection was important or even vital to her success, how come she was also successful in the real timeline without it? Might this be evidence that events in our timeline can have a subliminal effect on what happens in the real timeline as the universe strains to stop the two from flying apart?


Previous Political Positions

An elected member of Avon County Council, repersenting the Windmill Hill (Bristol) electoral area, between 1985 and 1987 (assuming she stepped down upon being elected to Parliament, 1989 otherwise).


Future Political Career

It was not until after the 1992 election that Primarolo was given any frontbench responsibility, so we need not concern ourselves with that at the moment.


Education: School

Educated at the Thomas Bennet School, Crawley, West Sussex.


Education: University

Initially studied as a bookkeeper and legal secretary at Bristol Polytechnic (to what level is uncertain) before subsequently returning to attain a bachelor's degree in Social Science. Although she evidently began studying for a doctorate at the University of Bristol, researching women and housing, this was never completed.


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